Sunday, March 20, 2011

Free Naturİst Famİly Movİes


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sample Speech In Company Anniversary


What a fantastic Carnival party! I know of no child who does not love this time ... just for a while and you become who you want! There is a fantastic fairy, full of glitter, shiny clothes and wand in hand to turn his dreams of fantasy, there is the man with his spider webs stuck helping the bad guys the good guys, c ' is the strong lion that does not exceed 90 centimeters instead of the roar is doing everyone a fond smile.
This is pure magic that our children can still live. I think the disguise is therapeutic, if only for a couple of hours you can turn you into what you want and feel that you can give life to those parts of you that may remain in the shadows in real life, you can roar your anger transformed into a lion, you can showcase your desire to be admired making magic with the magic wand .... and have fun together. Then force parents courageously break the mold, trucchiamoci face, a disguise or dress and accompany our children by actively participating in their game and are catch (already tested several times!) if we can liaise and bring out the child not only on our side we will have fun like crazy but do not jump plus a carnival!
And finally how about a snack Buana for all?


150 gr whole wheat flour)
150 g flour
full 70 grams of sugar cane
2 eggs
1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
1 packet of yeast powder for cakes
50 to 60 ml of peanut oil
sugar cane

Sift the whole wheat flour and white, then stir the sugar, baking powder, cinnamon and salt. Formed the fountain and add the beaten eggs with the olive oil.
Knead until all the dough is elastic and dry. Spread the sfogliasino a few millimeters. Cut out as desired with the cutter wheel. Arrange on baking tray lined with brushed acrta fornoe with a little oil. Bake at 180 degrees for 10 minutes and take until golden brown. Let cool and scompargetele icing sugar with the aid of a sieve.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

E46 Test Alternator M3

mini-meatloaf bento!つくね 弁当

bè ... non avevo mai fatto un polpettone in vita mia! Siccome mia mamma faceva gran risotti, io ho imparato i risotti ... ma polpettoni, mai. La mia collega M. mi ha gentilmente dato la sua ricetta, che io ho giapponesizzato un po 'con zenzero e tamari.
Tsukune lunch meat and ginger chicken

Tsukune made five.
minced 500gr:: single egg:: two pieces Shallots:: lowering ginger し 適量: 塩: パン粉 適量

the asses I have already eaten them ... fried potatoes and azuki beans are recycled scrap
500 grams of minced chicken

1 egg 2 shallots finely chopped ginger

breadcrumbs salt to taste s.glutine Schaer

mix everything in a bowl and form five small loaves, pass it in bread crumbs and brown a bit 'in a pan with a little oil. add a little 'water and tamari (gluten-free soy sauce) and cook for 5-7 minutes per side (in fact in a covered pot I got a little 'less, but they came the same good). tamari glaze makes a delicious and the aroma of ginger ... urbanization chicken!

Monday, February 28, 2011

The Best Cover Foundation

Tuesday bento

the obento I prepared to meet tomorrow's more my sense of color. azuki beans and potato salad (with basil), broccoli and brussels sprouts steamed, smoked cheese, slices a mini

Pokemon Doujin Doujin Moe

晩 ご飯 の おかず は お 弁当 に 変身

or as these Japanese are smart.
in the sense that when I want to make my eyes on obento and Japanese cuisine, in addition to several magazines that I've collected over the last few years, I give myself a little 'time to wander the web, and with the magic keyboard combination of Ctrl + stamps except the beautiful screen text + photos themed recipes, because when you have a compulsion for collecting veins running through a web page can also become a collector's item. one of my favorite activities is to 'browse virtually standing' Orange-page magazine, which publishes a bi-weekly preview of the current issue with some pages in the clear (if not legible). I write 'browse virtually standing' because in Japanese there is really a verb devoted himself to read standing in the library: 立ち読み たち よみ】 【 (n) reading while standing (in a bookstore) and the site of Orange -page is just the button to browse the magazine online. Now, the problem arises. Orange-page could make me get to, but it costs about 8 euro plus shipping and its cost in Japan is 290 yen (2.50 €) in addition to that, there being always a few days waiting for copies to come from there, I never know what number I'll (I happened to have already specified 'I want the first exit in March' and that I view to be delivered in April) so I present only a couple of times a year. all those who lose myself in them sfoglio 立ち読み and I would save them even with the ctrl + stamps, except that the Japanese have devised a clever way to undermine the work of this magical duo of keys. so I, with the help of my wonderful Canon PowerShot SX210IS bought at that Kyoto, which are to be obsessed collector, the screens me the photographer.

this number theme is featured on the cover just what I photographed above: that 's the dinner that ends おかず nell'obento directly for the next day ( お菜 おかず】 【 (n) (1) (uk) accompaniment for rice dishes, side dish). of all I would say that is the easiest way to prepare for the obento, semplicemenete salvage something from what has been preparing for dinner, or increase the doses a little bit, maybe adding something that can be done at speed in the morning, like a pancake or steamed vegetables, and Place the whole somewhat 'taken care of in a container for lunch. the results are not exactly the same as a Japanese meal consists of many small courses for which a 'real' obento over rice will have at least 4-5 other delights - I personally do not is that every night I prepared 4 contours, also because living alone I tend to prefer the main course. sometimes, simply, the morning before going to the office I make the classic carbonara or pasta with broccoli, anchovy and pecorino, and end. but are now two weeks since I started regularly doing obento and instead of photographing them, I collect records (I finally found a purpose to my mobile quickoffice). no matter what I decide to take me to lunch, it's important to spend some 'time for scheduling the obento of the week. think ahead, quite simply. prepare them in advance would be even better (freeze portions of anything can be frozen ... I am even told that I could try to freeze directly obento already assembled, but you lose all the fun) but I already think it saves a lot of time, especially in the morning when I'm always late. I know exactly what to look in the fridge, leave the pans directly on the fires in the evening I am so ready, in the 8 minutes that it takes the microwave to steam broccoli, carrots, potatoes, feed the cats and rearrange my bed .. so everything fits a little 'easier and less I feel the nostalgia of Japan, you know that for lunch I have my obento.
my obento today. Japanese rice with a surplus of smoked mackerel, tamagoyaki with tiles, steamed broccoli and carrots. the obento I used here is larger, but do not know why am better with his youngest sister. 490 ml are perfect now that a girl is not fast enough to fit between lunch and dinner! the only thing in the morning prepared è la frittata, il resto è avanzo della cena

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What To Give 5 Month Old For A Cough

pudding eggs

small egg cup cakes for lunch ( Tomatososubajiru eggs Parumesanchisu )

ovvero, un'altra sperimentazione volante a base di eggs (+ beautiful kitchen timer to Japanese store-bought Seiyu Chitosekarasuyama the last day, an accessory that I could not totally give up, I use it also to mark the half-hours of study!) with these pies made with eggs and obento measure. because I'm always suspicious when the recipes require more than three to four ingredients (except salt and oil) I simply

: 3 eggs
: three tablespoons of tomato sauce
: grated Parmesan cheese to taste
: basil, cut into strips.

Work all the ingredients in a bowl, a bit 'of salt and oil, I've paid in 5 silicone molds and I cooked them for about 20 minutes. Taste test a caldo ea freddo: devo dire che rendono meglio a temperatura ambiente, perché il sapore è molto estivo (pomodoro + basilico per me fa proprio estate).

post it: di consistenza rimangono piuttosto bagnati per cui la prossima volta proverò una variante più ferma, aggiungendo un po 'di fecola di patate (vediamo)

located near a train station bought Chitosekarasuyama Seiyu Kitchinntaima

Monday, February 21, 2011

Mollusca Contagiosa In Mouth

Shinzo Katoh (but I think the spelling right and Shinji Katou) + muffins gluten

Things That Make a rainy day shine brightly.
my 'new' mini tote bag * Shinzo Katoh for lunch! * Bought in a shop of bedding Chitosekarasuyama at the beginning of November and until now jealously guarded in a box along with various other amenities all bought during the trip. since I am determined that sooner or later things are used, that the first ciancischio and consumer goods, before going back in Japan, here, as soon as he arrived ...

maybe one day I will understand why these two photos I uploaded the wrong ... the small container with the blacks cats 'I bought from Kikuya, the most beautiful home shop the entire universe world, Kichijouji, and when the door has become a muffin for a snack.
Please note the attention to detail ... the label inside the bag is pretty much as the bag (if you like the kind of course, that would 'Zakka' )

and these are the muffins + chocolate hazelnut version, with the usual recipe and some variations, so the recovery and I copy / paste
here it is:
Ingredients for 10 muffins (11 in fact, 14 or younger)

: 250 g cake flour Shaer
:: 125 grams of sugar
: 1 egg
: 2.5 ml of milk rice by memorandum)
: 90 gr little butter
:: half a bag dilievito cake (from handbook)
:: sweet cocoa powder (from handbook)
:: dark chocolate flakes (from handbook)
: hazelnut flour
: a pinch of

salt water bath melt the butter. In a bowl, sift flour with sugar and then incorporate cocoa and chocolate chips and nuts, salt, baking powder and mix all ingredients well. Then add the egg, melted butter and milk, stir the mixture with a spoon until the dough is smooth and no lumps, pour it in lightly oiled muffin pan by the spoonful. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thomson Dishwasher User Manual

stressed mothers?

6:15 am the alarm goes off and another day begins after a night with Fred, her cough, and his beautiful voice to the maximum volume that silence of the night goes something like this: "MAMMAAAAAA! ... ... MAMMAAAAAA "at a pace similar to the bells of the nearby church, about every half hour. Now he lies peacefully in her bed with that angelic face that has nothing exorcist last night while I looked in the mirror I find an exorcist in me! Sitting in front of my nice cup of steaming tea and my fantastic home-made brioche (mixed and baked last night) I let my imagination starts two parallel movies are the future extension of my day.
screen right Mom Laura finished breakfast must help her husband to wake the other two kids, making breakfast, clothes, a snack in the large folder, do the tails of the small, start to prepare lunch before Fred wakes up, which in turn is preparing to go to kindergarten, preparing herself for the morning's work which includes a full schedule of events, going out for time to get home in time scoured asylum in city traffic. After the morning's work return home early from the withdrawal of Frederick kindergarten, preparation and taking lunch with her husband and eldest daughter, Shuffle, the small nap, withdrawal of the second child from kindergarten, snack time, and then dance the great ... .... at least help take some supplements to keep pace! So Bach flowers (chicory, olives, pine) to better deal with the moment of attachment of Frederick, Magnesium better support the fast pace of Rhodiola Rosea to support the micro-level brain with positive effects on memory and cognitive functions.
screen left, Mom decides that Laura spent the night view today's appointments and daily tasks will be fulfilled only by the natural biological rhythm of his body and his mind . So over breakfast with rhythms from AIS is around the house trying to complete at least the preparation of the girls, then tiptoed back under the covers, do not go a day nursery that can only make him well at Frederick, having night spent. With new energy will later be able to do what the rest of the day ... .. Ah! Supplements today are not so will only succeed and what he likes.

After the brioche and the tea finally there is the real mother Laura, who with good will, a hint of optimism, a super dose of love and serenity and energy comes from the pleasure of doing what he loves will mixing the two videos and actress of her day will tread upon the scene until evening when the curtain close again with a smile, tired but happy, ready to close his eyes one more night.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I Cant Trade In Pokemon Sliver On Vba

The Big Bang Theory

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Raj: And why do not you think I can find a woman alone?
Parents Raj: Why did you 27 years and the closest thing to a daughter in law we have is that boy jew, Howard. >>

a television series to nothing short of spectacular, both for the comedy well maintained, both in the topic dealing, that is 4 guys who relate nerd in the world, but especially with the feminine, of course with all the difficulties of the case.
  • Sheldon Cooper a theoretical physicist who, thanks to his high IQ feels superior to everyone and that the Nobel is an obvious target. His social life revolves around his roommate and his friends, otherwise would do without that too. During the series pokes fun at how Sheldon can "reproduce", given its non-existent interest to women.
  • Penny a maid with aspirations as an actress, who moves in the apartment opposite that of Sheldon, is a very naive girl and slowly approaches the world nerd.
  • Leonard Hofstader an experimental physicist accused of cloning, by his roommate Sheldon, the work of others. He is the only group that is being done, fell in love with her neighbor and friend Penny, with whom they have had a relationship more or less long-lasting and knows how to deal with Sheldon in its moments of pure madness.
  • Howard Wolowitz an aerospace engineer who still lives with his mother in arguing loudly. It is considered a great seducer, too, to try with all that breathes and is jew, even if many do not follow the rules of his religion. Sheldon does not consider the least because of his engineering degree.
  • Raj Koothrappali an astrophysicist of Indian origin and is the best friend of Howard, so much so that he joked, alluding to their proximity to them as a couple. Raj has a serious problem that is selective mutism do not allow him to utter a word when it is in front of a girl, the only drug that can "unlock" include alcohol.
in Italy have aired on the first three seasons and Steel will begin March 4th already aired in the United States. Unfortunately, the lovely Kaley Cuoco will not be present in two episodes of the series (all 5 so far have always seen in every episode) due to a minor accident on horseback.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Not Be Awkward Around Guy You Like


I finally tasted this rice miso (specifically for people allergic to soy), bought at a natural foods store in Kichijouji.
this is il negozio . i supermercati giapponesi sono il paradiso su questa terra.
blog is updated again! ! Natural House in Kichijoji bought rice miso (soybean none / gluten and Shimo Kana?) Tried to make miso soup. Pretend to eat soup in a decade "after all, the best soup!" Stomach. . . All right!

this is for persons allergic to soybean miso. because my problem with the classic miso is linked to contamination with barley - the types of miso is also to barley and can not be sure that the classic rice is produced in containers 'pure' - Whereas, however, that for people allergic to soy is produced in only two varieties of rice and millet, with no other ingredients except the salt, maybe the rice miso / soy zero is safe for those allergic to gluten. .. so we have prepared two dinners (if I have to poison me, better do it big)

Saturday dinner
miso soup, steamed rice, sauteed vegetables to Momoy (pioppini the Japs are excellent substitutes for mushrooms in various recipes ) type omelette okonomiyaki (when I say that we are on the ketchup and slices of dried fish horrified ..?)
Sunday lunch
miso soup, rice steamed kabocha squash braised nimono not the Japanese), salmon baked with onions and pioppini
gastrointestinal symptoms: not received
sin, I only got a package.

Dance Song - Marching Sounds Like Riverside


hate the word 'cups'. in fact, I believe that even exists.
I tasted through the eyes of mini souffle with saffron rice and a bacaro behind San Marco, in the field of War (re-opens on February 17, maybe I can steal a picture) prepared in silicone molds, and I have used the my way.

instead of the usual omelette with three eggs a bit 'of bacon and steamed red potatoes and cut in cubes can be made 6 pies like those in the photo. as if I could eat eggs every day, and that the Japanese requested that I submit that an egg a day is the amount tolerated by the doctors of Japan, I share this system with three eggs for six days, I do not I feel guilty and I have a good filler for my obento. variants that can be invented are a lot of (coming soon)

ex souffle * (I've just withdrawn from the furnace had gone flat) pumpkin and ricotta cheese (and cheese)
* soufflés are not, because when I read the true recipe for the souffle, I immediately discouraged, cream, white whites, and that is! However, good

Non Smoker Throat Cancer


myriad of photos shot with the idea to put on a blog - last week I photographed kitchen + bedroom in a state of total chaos in order to equip a hypothetical future post titled 'before and after ', the series to find incentives to put house in order I'd do anything - and then at night I always find a plausible excuse for not turning on the PC and going to collapse on the sofa, after the daily dose of cheese and red wine. which is not a healthy habit alone and always know, after sin, I repeat very good intentions for the next day - they seem so simple to follow, meaning satisfied, that I add a couple to make it big, like studying all day and get back to writing all their own - and then staying just let them slip back queltanto enough to always find myself on the couch at night before. The trouble with photos of the recipes is that there are no stored quantities. more or less I just know the ingredients to replicate a dish - especially as the recipes of the newspapers they reject the default half, ingredients, for a dish that requires more than four is a mess unless you Whether soup. enough, as she said my grandmother always making me angry is the illumination of the Buddha in the kitchen. and if an ingredient is missing from the cupboard, so it should not be necessary if they can do without. to the limit, it takes me an egg.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Hacking The Plug And Play Kit For Xbox 360

Food intolerances are toxic reactions to ingestion of a food. There was still no universally accepted because of the nature of food allergies. It 'possible that some diseases which often suffered by children (including rhinitis, bronchitis, ear infections, gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, skin disorders ...) are a con-cause of food intolerance, but is more likely that excessive industrial manipulation of food, the long-life and the excessive consumption of red meat and refined grains, is causing a significant increase of diseases of the immune system with consequent increases in food intolerance, even in children.

How to identify food intolerance in our children?

Using the EAV testing, safe and non-invasive, involving the use of test vials, you can identify foods to which they are intolerant in this period of their lives. In the first phase it is necessary to eliminate or significantly reduce the intake of these foods, reorganizing their food, but it is not necessary to continue to do so for life. Once the disorder, together you can cure him. The Naturopath through a 'personalized nutrition, herbal remedies, trace elements, body techniques, to take your pet to a newfound prosperity. Once rebalanced and strengthened the entire body should submit them back to a food intolerance tests and see if some foods for which they were intolerant of the results are now well-tolerated by children so they can resume eating gradually.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Many Calories Does Mccoys Hav E

Monday, January 10, 2011

Canine Complex Partial Seizure

out of time

a myriad of photos I took during the holidays - and that they have not been since I went almost every day in the office (take this opportunity until I have one ..) - and I was promised to upload a bit 'before the witch takes away all the holidays, which I did promptly.

the unfulfilled promises. basically it's never too late to remedy it, especially if we ourselves (as are practically the only one who read this blog!).

so while I let my feet freeze on the floor waiting for me to dry the glaze - I have lost sensitivity to the ankle - I pay tribute to the most unusual Christmas tree I've ever seen (I had also photographed in 2009 with my old Fuji, but with the Canon PowerShot SX210 IS x is not advertising, this year I came a lot better.

Happy Holidays

's Christmas tree is hung from the ceiling, in place of the chandelier!

here it more closely. disregard for privacy, the house is a first floor that overlooks Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Rosa Salva pastry side:)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is It Bad To Store Full Clips


the day Friday, January 7 has been elected the new committee to which they belong Valeria Anfossi, Massimo Brunetti, Sebastian Carrara, Alessandro Castagnino, Monica Conterno Fantino Francesca, Susan Fazio, Barbara and Lara Sappa Sappa.
Valeria Anfossi and the new president, vice president and secretary is Barbara Sappa Alessia Castagnino.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Walkie Talkie Som Babymonitor

Happy New Year !

明けまし て おめでとう!