Sunday, February 27, 2011

What To Give 5 Month Old For A Cough

pudding eggs

small egg cup cakes for lunch ( Tomatososubajiru eggs Parumesanchisu )

ovvero, un'altra sperimentazione volante a base di eggs (+ beautiful kitchen timer to Japanese store-bought Seiyu Chitosekarasuyama the last day, an accessory that I could not totally give up, I use it also to mark the half-hours of study!) with these pies made with eggs and obento measure. because I'm always suspicious when the recipes require more than three to four ingredients (except salt and oil) I simply

: 3 eggs
: three tablespoons of tomato sauce
: grated Parmesan cheese to taste
: basil, cut into strips.

Work all the ingredients in a bowl, a bit 'of salt and oil, I've paid in 5 silicone molds and I cooked them for about 20 minutes. Taste test a caldo ea freddo: devo dire che rendono meglio a temperatura ambiente, perché il sapore è molto estivo (pomodoro + basilico per me fa proprio estate).

post it: di consistenza rimangono piuttosto bagnati per cui la prossima volta proverò una variante più ferma, aggiungendo un po 'di fecola di patate (vediamo)

located near a train station bought Chitosekarasuyama Seiyu Kitchinntaima


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