Monday, February 21, 2011

Mollusca Contagiosa In Mouth

Shinzo Katoh (but I think the spelling right and Shinji Katou) + muffins gluten

Things That Make a rainy day shine brightly.
my 'new' mini tote bag * Shinzo Katoh for lunch! * Bought in a shop of bedding Chitosekarasuyama at the beginning of November and until now jealously guarded in a box along with various other amenities all bought during the trip. since I am determined that sooner or later things are used, that the first ciancischio and consumer goods, before going back in Japan, here, as soon as he arrived ...

maybe one day I will understand why these two photos I uploaded the wrong ... the small container with the blacks cats 'I bought from Kikuya, the most beautiful home shop the entire universe world, Kichijouji, and when the door has become a muffin for a snack.
Please note the attention to detail ... the label inside the bag is pretty much as the bag (if you like the kind of course, that would 'Zakka' )

and these are the muffins + chocolate hazelnut version, with the usual recipe and some variations, so the recovery and I copy / paste
here it is:
Ingredients for 10 muffins (11 in fact, 14 or younger)

: 250 g cake flour Shaer
:: 125 grams of sugar
: 1 egg
: 2.5 ml of milk rice by memorandum)
: 90 gr little butter
:: half a bag dilievito cake (from handbook)
:: sweet cocoa powder (from handbook)
:: dark chocolate flakes (from handbook)
: hazelnut flour
: a pinch of

salt water bath melt the butter. In a bowl, sift flour with sugar and then incorporate cocoa and chocolate chips and nuts, salt, baking powder and mix all ingredients well. Then add the egg, melted butter and milk, stir the mixture with a spoon until the dough is smooth and no lumps, pour it in lightly oiled muffin pan by the spoonful. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes.


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