Monday, November 22, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Clear Up Clamidia

a winter of Japanese pots

Donabate (earthen pot used for cooking 'nabemono')

is normal fall in love with a pot?

yukihiranabe, to learn the name it took me about ten days ...

I thought it was already too happy to check in on his return from Tokyo, with 10 pounds of luggage and 400 € to be paid more, mercifully subscribers I Miss by the airline must have seen the panic on my face after having pronounced the fateful words' are € 40 per kilo in most'..... and I was convinced that the 99% pack of 15 pounds I had autospedita 5 November on the eve of the return would never come. Instead Japan take me luck, on Friday I had my package (bè. .. € 140 to € 30 for shipping and customs taxes, not exactly painless, maybe I won!) and my beloved pots! the nabe tajine (Moroccan but very fashionable in Japan) gift from a friend, mugs, gift Natsu (I'm already using the daily Cara Natsu!) e.. .. ta-taaa the longed Donabate ( the blue / green in the photo) for the kitchen 'nabemono'. the funny thing is that the lady in the shop where I bought it was recommended to us to boil the water with a tablespoon of flour (!!!!) as pre-treatment.

the second pot - this is me to pack - is a yukihiranabe, used primarily to prepare the dashi broth. always appears in all the magazines of Japanese cuisine that I have, I could not buy it! € 27 more or less, from Tokyu Kichijouji to (the place to buy my next home!)


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