Thursday, November 11, 2010

Harold And Kumar 2' Having 'bottomless' Party

Takayama Shirakawa-go

and who would never come back?
lunch that I had to jump! soba noodles (buckwheat) that are a specialty of the region, unfortunately, are not made of 100% buckwheat. even the tea was Mugica, barley!

one thing I like about Japan: omiyage stores, or souvenir, 75% of goods for sale is character edible! Momoy also my friend, the sister, has led some sweets. confirmed my love of beetroot (I even earrings) and roots in general! are in perfect harmony with my sense of style and color (more anything else, and quite simply, Mother Nature knows how to create shapes and colors like no one ever)

ice cream I could eat! yes, because in Shirakawa-go is an ice cream shop called Sakura where the ice cream is made with only the essentials. no flour, no gluten, just milk, sugar, eggs and matcha ..!

this instead ... it was pure wheat gluten!


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