Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Army Counseling For Driving Under The Influence

scones and apple pie without gluten (pan)

I did the first test with the tajine nabe, according to instructions, for the steamer to be used in the microwave (in my ...!) enter a miracle indeed, compared to the basket for steaming in room - which is made of plastic - with the tajine earthenware flavor of vegetables is in no way altered. I just have to study the cooking time (pumpkin and leek broccoli were perfect but were a little 'back, perhaps because they were the size of small shrubs ...)

and then I started my experiments with gluten free flour of Schaer. considered that the products Schaer (especially various breads and biscuits) in my opinion are the best for the gluten-free, I decided to try various recipes recommended by the manufacturers directly, using the mix for the bread and cake. if we do not guessed with their doses, who could achieve this? so I tried queso 'quick bread in the pan' - see below Fotina - mostly because the recipe seemed to read fast to prepare (and quite tasty). indeed succeeded really well, apart from the fact that I burnt on one side a bit '. Hot is good, just warm is great and I know tomorrow if it stands up for the next day!

since passed in my own recipe with photos was used on another blog without my knowing it - in technical terms we say fool - I decided to put their stamp on the photos of what I cook, like real food-blogger (me to laugh) the important thing is to be convinced!

Schaer 250 grams of flour (mix b)
100 ml of warm water 100 ml warm milk

½ package dry yeast
teaspoon salt teaspoon
tablespoon vegetable oil sunflower bio

have the flour mixed with salt in a bowl and make a classical fountain. Pour the yeast and sugar and pour 1 / 3 water + milk, then wait for the yeast to come on and add the remaining liquid and oil. to knead well until it forms a ball (soft and compact) and let it rest for ten minutes covered with a damp cloth. then divide it into 4 pieces and form 4 schiacciatine (Grease a bit 'hands before work) and let stand another 10 minutes on a floured sheet of parchment paper. oiled a pan and cook 3 minutes on each side of the focaccia (I did 4 +3). excellent warm!

future memory
and you start with the obento (I took the container to the supermarket Omihachimanshi, about € 2.50, and it was my obento throughout the journey.


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