Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lorna Morgan Scoreland

a rainy Sunday and apple pie

updated February 21, 2011
maybe we should also publish the recipe, then the usual apple pie yogurt with added!
must choose a cup as a measuring cup, use the same and this cake does not let you down!

three cups of flour (rice Schaer or 1 + 1 + 1 potato starch corn starch)
2 cups sugar (white for her candid, cane if you want a more rustic)
1 pot of yogurt 2 eggs 125 gr

80 g butter
two apples
vanilla sugar (as per handbook)
half a bag of baking powder (as per handbook)

melt the butter in a double boiler and then mix it thoroughly with the sugar then add eggs and continue stirring until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous. incorporated into the yogurt, salt, apples - peeled and cut into pieces - and the pine nuts, then gradually sift the flour and add the sugar and vanilla and baking powder then pour the mixture into a loaf pan lined with paper previously wet oven. informed at 180 degrees for 40 minutes (you always do the toothpick test to check the cooking!)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Army Counseling For Driving Under The Influence

scones and apple pie without gluten (pan)

I did the first test with the tajine nabe, according to instructions, for the steamer to be used in the microwave (in my ...!) enter a miracle indeed, compared to the basket for steaming in room - which is made of plastic - with the tajine earthenware flavor of vegetables is in no way altered. I just have to study the cooking time (pumpkin and leek broccoli were perfect but were a little 'back, perhaps because they were the size of small shrubs ...)

and then I started my experiments with gluten free flour of Schaer. considered that the products Schaer (especially various breads and biscuits) in my opinion are the best for the gluten-free, I decided to try various recipes recommended by the manufacturers directly, using the mix for the bread and cake. if we do not guessed with their doses, who could achieve this? so I tried queso 'quick bread in the pan' - see below Fotina - mostly because the recipe seemed to read fast to prepare (and quite tasty). indeed succeeded really well, apart from the fact that I burnt on one side a bit '. Hot is good, just warm is great and I know tomorrow if it stands up for the next day!

since passed in my own recipe with photos was used on another blog without my knowing it - in technical terms we say fool - I decided to put their stamp on the photos of what I cook, like real food-blogger (me to laugh) the important thing is to be convinced!

Schaer 250 grams of flour (mix b)
100 ml of warm water 100 ml warm milk

½ package dry yeast
teaspoon salt teaspoon
tablespoon vegetable oil sunflower bio

have the flour mixed with salt in a bowl and make a classical fountain. Pour the yeast and sugar and pour 1 / 3 water + milk, then wait for the yeast to come on and add the remaining liquid and oil. to knead well until it forms a ball (soft and compact) and let it rest for ten minutes covered with a damp cloth. then divide it into 4 pieces and form 4 schiacciatine (Grease a bit 'hands before work) and let stand another 10 minutes on a floured sheet of parchment paper. oiled a pan and cook 3 minutes on each side of the focaccia (I did 4 +3). excellent warm!

future memory
and you start with the obento (I took the container to the supermarket Omihachimanshi, about € 2.50, and it was my obento throughout the journey.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Clear Up Clamidia

a winter of Japanese pots

Donabate (earthen pot used for cooking 'nabemono')

is normal fall in love with a pot?

yukihiranabe, to learn the name it took me about ten days ...

I thought it was already too happy to check in on his return from Tokyo, with 10 pounds of luggage and 400 € to be paid more, mercifully subscribers I Miss by the airline must have seen the panic on my face after having pronounced the fateful words' are € 40 per kilo in most'..... and I was convinced that the 99% pack of 15 pounds I had autospedita 5 November on the eve of the return would never come. Instead Japan take me luck, on Friday I had my package (bè. .. € 140 to € 30 for shipping and customs taxes, not exactly painless, maybe I won!) and my beloved pots! the nabe tajine (Moroccan but very fashionable in Japan) gift from a friend, mugs, gift Natsu (I'm already using the daily Cara Natsu!) e.. .. ta-taaa the longed Donabate ( the blue / green in the photo) for the kitchen 'nabemono'. the funny thing is that the lady in the shop where I bought it was recommended to us to boil the water with a tablespoon of flour (!!!!) as pre-treatment.

the second pot - this is me to pack - is a yukihiranabe, used primarily to prepare the dashi broth. always appears in all the magazines of Japanese cuisine that I have, I could not buy it! € 27 more or less, from Tokyu Kichijouji to (the place to buy my next home!)

Bandana For San Andreas

Architecture Biennale 2010

some reason, I much prefer the Biennale Art! seems that the architecture still maintains a link with reality, with us. every two years and I continue to marvel at the fact that in the end, without lying to myself and tell no tales, the Japanese pavilion I always like more than others! this time it touched the studio Bow-Wow (but you can call it that? Come on ... can not be serious!). they play with architecture, play with art, play with the world even in more serious matters. also take seriously what seems trivial to us, and we play.

model to 'large size' Bow-Wow of the study. is fun to peek inside!

in sight well as the washing machine ... and there's a pretty polka-dot pinafore hung in the room (very Japanese style, if I may say)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Rsm Yarn Ichalkaranji

I'm nervous or restless? OR JUST BORED?

"There is still a second ..."
'It's always nervous, screaming, kicking. ... In short, is not peaceful, "
" It combines the all colors, does not know the quiet games .... "
" Do not stands still even when eating or sleeping ... .. "
" Do not listen, does not stop even the call is always careless, even at school .... "

I could continue the endless list of statements that I hear of more and more often by mothers tired and dejected, but let's take a moment to reflect together.
Personally I love watching when I can, the actions taken by the children I meet: the park, in line at the supermarket, games room, restaurant and so on. It 's true often known attitudes of great movement and agitation, we now grossly "Hyperactivity". In parallel, often comes to my mind had work experience in the nursery of years ago. I fondly recall a beautiful blond child of 2 ½ years. He loved to speak with the body: big jumps, races, rololoni ... I close my eyes and I see it clearly run and jump even when asked a moment of containment (eg sit to sing along with friends, or at lunch time, or when reading a fairy tale). Difficult to listen to our demands even when they became insistent expressed his disapproval starting to annoy friends with pushes, kicks, bites, and embraces a bit 'too affectionate. " Even during free play happened to pass by a fun physical contact with a real expression of aggression. Clearly it was often taken up and each time picked up in his eyes infinite sweetness is not expressed. As educators we were obliged to inform the family and during the day against a team with the pedagogy we face on educational strategies to deal with. But we all noticed that most of these attitudes came to life at a time when the baby was not stimulated or better to say when the matter so he was bored. On this whole concept was seen in a different light. In fact, the child was a very bright child, with higher capacity and autonomy of peers. We started propose activities or games that require higher capacity and noted with pleasure that he immersed himself fully in these activities managing to keep alive the attention for very long time and that period had remained calm and relaxed even though the need and desire to move. This experience has brought me much to think because it happens to us adults to be in a situation of "annoying" where we put in place practices that do not fit (talk to your neighbor, eat out of boredom, etc.)..

Before you label our children as nervous, aggressive or hyperactive feel to see if they are not just bored and propose their activities and stimulating experiences, and perhaps it will remain surprises!


• Infusion of hawthorn and orange, or passion flower
• Essential Oil of Lavender for burns wood, Melissa and Mandarin sweet
• Magnesium powder
• Healthy, vital and fresh. Minimize chocolate, tea, sugar and cakes, sausages and pork.
· For help with Bach flowers I recommend you read the following Blog

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Indian Free Channel Frequencies

pumpkin gnocchi

usual, I have to work on the aesthetics .. . and the next time, make them smaller: more than gnocchi dumplings seem (alien)! But were good ...
ingredients: pumpkin puree, egg, gluten free flour to taste, salt, nutmeg:: for seasoning, butter, sage and pecorino cheese

Gay Western Sydney Toilet

some photos I've taken things that I would have gladly bought / tasted ...

Pressure Point For Dogs

Takayama Shirakawa-go

pine nuts and apple pie is in oven, the cat has captured the rear half of the chair you are sitting (or rather, I am sitting on the edge, as she has now made convenient and you .. here is the toilet, fell in the attempt to defend madestro Pichan) and I can enjoy ten minutes of relaxation (and red wine) and load some more 'photos. Today it's up to Takayama, which could be called a mountain village, but most people do in Venice. The first three days of the trip, 14 to 17 October (the 16th trip to Shirakawago). Among the wonders of Takayama, and the famous Hida beef that made me understand the true meaning of 'the pleasures of the flesh', there is a market in the morning, 'asaichi', a long row of stalls on the embankment with all products of local agriculture (vegetables Takayama, .. never ate tomatoes cabbage so good! really all you can eat if you are not celiac ... I'm content with the apples!) and many souvenir stalls Tourists from all made in Japan (finally a country - a nation - to be where tourists do not feel the perfect idiots).

Thursday, November 11, 2010

I Need Free Indian Channels Freq

I made these with the phone, but I like also
ps: St. Martin's good! I ate roasted chestnuts, the feast of St. Martin's coming home from the office. these are the little things that make me love Venice.

Harold And Kumar 2' Having 'bottomless' Party

Takayama Shirakawa-go

and who would never come back?
lunch that I had to jump! soba noodles (buckwheat) that are a specialty of the region, unfortunately, are not made of 100% buckwheat. even the tea was Mugica, barley!

one thing I like about Japan: omiyage stores, or souvenir, 75% of goods for sale is character edible! Momoy also my friend, the sister, has led some sweets. confirmed my love of beetroot (I even earrings) and roots in general! are in perfect harmony with my sense of style and color (more anything else, and quite simply, Mother Nature knows how to create shapes and colors like no one ever)

ice cream I could eat! yes, because in Shirakawa-go is an ice cream shop called Sakura where the ice cream is made with only the essentials. no flour, no gluten, just milk, sugar, eggs and matcha ..!

this instead ... it was pure wheat gluten!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Boots Herbal Acne Relief

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No fights and l'impero vince, ragazzo>>
( General Rahm Kota )

The story is set in between the two sagas, classical and new, exactly one year after "Star Wars Episode III - Revenge of the Sith," where Darth Vader recovers son of a Jedy ( Kento Nion) , after killing him, growing up as his apprentice, a secret to anyone, even the emperor. At the age of 16 years sent him on a mission to kill Jedy survivors, but after a few missions, you discovered the existence of the protagonist by the emperor, who ordered Vader to kill him, from then on, after have "saved" starts to create a rebel alliance, as a spy on behalf of Vader, only to be betrayed by his master, who only wanted to exterminate the rebels to regroup. The finish pretty exciting because it allows you to choose from: the way of "good", where you decide to attack immediately and save the emperor, the rebels, and the charm of the dark side, Darth Vader killing, but leaving the Emperor exterminations all the rebels and by reaching out instead of Anakin, this obviously goes against the nature of film series.
The game showed me a lot of fond and recalled a lot " Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast ", and the type that is a Jedy / Sith in 3rd person, with ability to strengthen and all powers of force to have finally played a game of adventure well structured, in terms of gameplay even though I think the combo and air movement should be improved.
Now we have to see what happens in the following, released in late October.
That force be with you.