Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Valkyrie Ikusa Otome 3

eating out at Takayama - Myouga

wanted to condense into one post all the photos and comments about what I ate in Takayama, but the three rooms where I was (from celiac in a country where celiac disease does not exist just ... why did Japan do not know precisely what it is!) deserve each post and a lot of photos, although I've done with the old Fuji and does not do justice to the colors of the dishes!
Myouga begin with, a micro-organic restaurant / organic with only two tables (7, maybe 8 seats) a shelf full of cookbooks macrobiotic, organic, etc.. micro basin at the entrance to wash your hands before dining, kitchen and an old woman who could easily be the younger sister of my mami Japanese (who has 81 years ...).

lunch my friend Momoy. some vegetables were stewed with soy sauce for which I have not been able to sort. I absolutely have to buy a couple of dishes as well, lately I try to keep the various 'flow' all on the same plate, but mine are of magnitude standard, so the end result is a great chaos ...

and this was my plate. onigiri (rice balls) are rice genmai (full) and azuki beans. the mixed vegetables (which seem based on carrots and chard and cap, but in reality consisted of more than ten different kinds of vegetables - including at least five totally unknown to me!) was sautéed with sesame oil, salt pepper and garam masala, delicious (in fact I have just returned from slingshots to take Rizzo mix Garam Masala Indian!) + the inevitable cucumber 'pickled' or tsukemono or Japanese pickles (nothing, have nothing in common with our ache because you get the rice bran) and then the tomatoes Takayama (and I who were under the illusion that those Sant'Erasmo the most good in the world !).

to learn a bit 'more about Takayama,

go here now and see if I can recover some more news on Myouga ...
well, although all in Japanese, is something ! Reviews on 'Taberogu'
Myouga, tel. 0577-32-0426 (closed Mondays and Tuesdays)
to 111 meters from the station to Takayama
post here some images retrieved from 食べ ログ, that make the best of my colors and the local dishes! more ...


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