Thursday, May 27, 2010

Welcome Message For The Guest In Wedding Ceremony

Sel at the meeting against the operation of government

Tonight at 21, in via Zandonai , Left ecology and freedom movement organizes a meeting open to the government's economic . It will be an opportunity to consider joint initiatives with the movements and the political and social forces, as well as any discussion in the City Council. A major operation that the Berlusconi government, a "butcher, against which we must organize social a popular uprising, "as he said Vendola. Once again - instead of hitting the big estates, the income tax evaders and parasitic - are hit the public and private employees. The budget also provides for the freezing of salaries of civil servants which would take effect already this year until 2013. Comes down the windows and allungal'uscita retirement from work for the women of the civil service: 65 years.


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