Monday, May 24, 2010

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Sel reflects, common assets, rights and events

was held last Friday, with broad and meaningful participation of members, sympathizers and people close to the movement, the ecology of the Left open meeting and freedom. After the submission of the draft proposals prepared by the co-ordination and a general comparison on the first working hypothesis presented, have formed three working groups on the following topics (two corresponding to some of the campaigns / themes proposed, one third formed to define and organize initiatives / events here in coming months by Sel):

Group SOCIETY 'common goods



During the meeting it was also agreed that the working group dealing with the theme Work and sustainable development will commence in the next meeting to dedicated to it. The group of women meeting also decided to Autoconvocate short, inviting members of Sel, the supporters and all interested women (and men who wish to contribute), to open a debate on how to tackle the issues Campaign "points of differences" .

We offer below a brief summary on the outcome of the Working Group on the organization of activities:

- Thursday, May 27, at the seat of Sel in via Zandonai will be organized assembly open on the measures of the government (economic measures), also consider joint initiatives with the movements and other political and social forces and a possible discussion at the City Council.

- For the month of June is mentioned in the presence of Nicholas Fratoianni, councilor of the Transparency of the Puglia Region. The event date is yet to be defined.

- It is establishing a working group on verification programmatic with the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. The group is open to anyone wishing to join, is at present composed of Peter Nasuti, Matteo Sassi, Graziano Montanini, Gianfranco Ricco, Carla Ruffini, Pierpaolo Salvarani.

- The Feast of regional Sel is scheduled for the end of August to Taneto Gattatico or early September in Campton: having been required to have Nichi Vendola, date, place and specific program will be subject to its availability .

- We propose to contact the other political forces of the left to find in each of the parties that will be held a moment of reflection on the crisis that sees the presence of institutions and social forces.


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