Thursday, May 27, 2010

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women that improve work

Women changing work, improvement. Saturday at 16.30, via the former register of St. Peter Martyr, a meeting sponsored by 6Donna - After Work of Lorenzo Franzoni, in collaboration with the Theatre District and ReggioFahrenheit presents the movie "The factory that he thought" directed by G. Mazzini. In a dramatic economic point of view of employment and existential, which prevail in great difficulties and uncertainties in the daily lives of many families, for many / and looking for work, that they lose, they have to do with wages difficult accounts, cash -integration, time, sense of insecurity, about a company that sends signals to cultural work, training, planning, is really an unusual event. Margaret Dogliani businesswoman with confectionery company in Carrara, he has since launched a cultural project that sees women (mostly) employed in his factory, workers not only as a product, but a cultural actresses. The factory is the venue for important cultural events and meetings, entrepreneur, and employed workers have formed an association "The Angel and the stars that designs cultural events, weaving production work with active participation in a project based on the participation, ideas, related reports. Interesting to understand that there may be a different way of being entrepreneurs and employees, that you can establish a system of relationships that go beyond traditional , such as timetables for women workers, such as flexibility, such as opportunities for growth? What chance to experience the working conditions in most part, equal, satisfactory? Margaret Dogliani, awarded by the Commission Opportunities for the Region of Tuscany, together with the women who work with her, we will talk about his experience, projects that have achieved and realized. We can see the video taken from this unique experience "The factory that he thought" directed by G. Mazzini and discuss what and how women can change the subjectivity some aspects of the work, and can be a lever for a better life even in a factory.

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Sel at the meeting against the operation of government

Tonight at 21, in via Zandonai , Left ecology and freedom movement organizes a meeting open to the government's economic . It will be an opportunity to consider joint initiatives with the movements and the political and social forces, as well as any discussion in the City Council. A major operation that the Berlusconi government, a "butcher, against which we must organize social a popular uprising, "as he said Vendola. Once again - instead of hitting the big estates, the income tax evaders and parasitic - are hit the public and private employees. The budget also provides for the freezing of salaries of civil servants which would take effect already this year until 2013. Comes down the windows and allungal'uscita retirement from work for the women of the civil service: 65 years.

Monday, May 24, 2010

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Friday a sit-in against the gag law

A sit-in to defend press freedom. The event, organized by the Left ecology and freedom, is Friday, May 28 from 10 to 12 in Piazza del Monte (corner via Corridoni). A rally denouncing the danger of the bill on wiretaps for the free and complete information. Sel thus responds to the call of the National Federation of the Italian press. Citizens can not be gagged and private information: a view democratic governments must be able to control those who govern. Despite strong protests were raised throughout the country, the Berlusconi government wants to go forward. This is a very serious decision and dangerous for democracy. Left for this freedom and ecology at the national level, has organized several times in protest. The bill penalizes and undermines the freedom of the press, preventing newspapers and news (including new media) to give news of investigations and prosecutions - including those involving serious crime - until a preliminary hearing, that is for a period in Italy from 3 to 6 years and, in some cases, up to 10. The proposed rules would violate the fundamental right of citizens to learn and know, that is to be informed. The discipline to the Senate vulnerable the basic principles upon which freedom of information is guaranteed and justice is administered in the name of the people. Journalists perform a function, a duty can not be compressed by acts of censorship. Get off the streets against the gag law.

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Sel reflects, common assets, rights and events

was held last Friday, with broad and meaningful participation of members, sympathizers and people close to the movement, the ecology of the Left open meeting and freedom. After the submission of the draft proposals prepared by the co-ordination and a general comparison on the first working hypothesis presented, have formed three working groups on the following topics (two corresponding to some of the campaigns / themes proposed, one third formed to define and organize initiatives / events here in coming months by Sel):

Group SOCIETY 'common goods



During the meeting it was also agreed that the working group dealing with the theme Work and sustainable development will commence in the next meeting to dedicated to it. The group of women meeting also decided to Autoconvocate short, inviting members of Sel, the supporters and all interested women (and men who wish to contribute), to open a debate on how to tackle the issues Campaign "points of differences" .

We offer below a brief summary on the outcome of the Working Group on the organization of activities:

- Thursday, May 27, at the seat of Sel in via Zandonai will be organized assembly open on the measures of the government (economic measures), also consider joint initiatives with the movements and other political and social forces and a possible discussion at the City Council.

- For the month of June is mentioned in the presence of Nicholas Fratoianni, councilor of the Transparency of the Puglia Region. The event date is yet to be defined.

- It is establishing a working group on verification programmatic with the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. The group is open to anyone wishing to join, is at present composed of Peter Nasuti, Matteo Sassi, Graziano Montanini, Gianfranco Ricco, Carla Ruffini, Pierpaolo Salvarani.

- The Feast of regional Sel is scheduled for the end of August to Taneto Gattatico or early September in Campton: having been required to have Nichi Vendola, date, place and specific program will be subject to its availability .

- We propose to contact the other political forces of the left to find in each of the parties that will be held a moment of reflection on the crisis that sees the presence of institutions and social forces.