Sunday, April 20, 2008

Meagan Good White Men

Deism and Politics, in the history progression

April 9

Deism and Politics, in the history progression

In many ways, the Enlightenment was a movement of thought among the more famous but also the most criticized of the story.
But I think that some concepts should be taken today and re-evaluated because maybe, sometimes, the environment and the tradition deriving from a specific social context invariably leads to some distortion of the meaning of the fund. The
supported the Enlightenment Deism, which believed in a God architect of the universe who created man in His image and God somiglianza.Un already infused simple and elementary human moral conduct to be followed, for both already detectable in the ten comandamenti.Per this important thinkers, such as Moliere, argued that Christianity and containing other religions dogmas were "shameful and dangerous obscurantism." God is no transparency, no mystery, God is found in all creation.
fact, if we think about the French Revolution was not born among the people, nor is it to generalize the idea was born from the revolution was born in borghesia.In reality of Freemasonry, as I believe the main, had the motto "liberty, fraternity and equality. "Motto fully correct, just and irrinunciabile.Attraverso this principle not only social justice but had achieved the highest level of prayer to God, which manifested itself in love for our neighbor to the man, a creature somiglianza.E image and here I totally agree. The true prayer consists of helping one's neighbor, respecting the fundamental human rights through which you can feel an inner joy made strong and intense.
This discussion could go in parallel with a political confrontation, and later I will explain the short perchè.In live in a world composed of many I think (some a little more historically dated less) is still one thing is certain: most of the time religion is the basis for violent conflitti.Ognuna claim superiority over the other, conflicts are sometimes accompanied by economic interests, however, and this is a matter of fact, conflicts a religious background are always the most violent and cruel.
well.The Think 'Europe, Africa, Asia, the American people are one the same. They feel the same feelings, the same fears, but above all have one thing in common, beyond cultural differences and all religious and I stress all share the database of natural law and moral nature which, according to the Enlightenment that God has donato.Non is beautiful? Building only on the natural moral law and natural break down the limits imposed by religious beliefs often mounted man to hold interest too petty to be sopportati.Questo speech is not against religion, and not to fall into the generalized accusations I bring you a esempio.Pigliamo Union Europea.Per centuries, Europe was the scene of violent wars between major nazionali.Si been fighting for the interests, ideologies, for religion, and finally with the second world war something cambiò.In primarily the victory of democracy over dictatorship Nazi ( with exception of Russia dictatorship era) and, secondly, the gear shift of the Europeans, who have had an exhausting conflict and conscious about the construction of a new way of understanding society and politica.Collaborazione reforms and led to a progressive union, whose highest peak has been reached with the euro and the abolition of internal customs union. With what has been achieved inner peace that will bring in a not too distant future the federation total small states, the path will soon be that of the entire European continent, because history is progressive, it is always forward, never goes back, in case they encounter obstacles that slow down and eventi.Così will also delay the religion are giumgerà to deism because there is no god Muslim Christian or Buddhist religions altro.Si surpass to get to a point single union, in which all may be found because the metaphysical dimension can not and must not have dogmas, the divine is within us and around each of us in the same identical caratteristiche.Approfondirò and then some concepts can not be completely clear to a first reading in the case of any doubt among those of you who have the patience to read.


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