Sunday, April 20, 2008

Materials And Tools To Buildzulu Huts

April 15

Fear of the foreigner is to win the League and the PDL.

someone which has the hoped for, the majority meno.E so after the election we have a winner, the Northern League.
The league allowed the PDL of Silvio Berlusconi to achieve victory in 2008 these policies in the House and the Senato.E 'was decisive in all directions so that, strictly speaking political science, we can talk about the so-called "potential intimidation / blackmail ": that the political game that some parties may never be included in the coalition government, but have a central role through the availability of the votes, representing the interests of parliamentary seats to such an extent as to affect the functioning of coalitions, by affecting the activities and policies of the coalition, or even the political system in toto (Giovanni Sartori). If people were to read had to argue about the fact that the league is in the coalition know that actually the Northern League is independent and has just signed a program.
must take this into account because, over time, could prove a thorn in the side of the PDL.
I will not go into the future governance issues that might occur, because in that case we should make a comparison between the net economic visions of the two parties (PDL-League), clearly different, and that the Union Europea.Difatti fateful "fiscal federalism" could be implemented on a country whose regions have minimal financial differences, or at least not likely to present huge differences between South and North, as it seems quite obvious that there siano.Una economic policy would lead to a reduction of GDP and then increase the deficit by close bilancio.E here because otherwise we should go on for about 4 hours lettura.Insomma this is only one many problems. (if anyone doubts me know)
That said, ignoring the political discourse, I noticed an alarming factor. Around most of my peers voted PDL / Lega.Il for charity, it is fair and legitimate, but the question "why" they'd say two things: "Silvio is nice" and besides "I'm afraid of illegal immigrants."
Now, since the world and the world, one should vote for a party economic policy / employment and social reforms and not based on issues, which although present, are really peripheral to the context.
Let me give an example: The party of "black man, no thank you" makes the fight against illegal immigration his banner of the battaglia.E ago in a colorita.Per make this epic act takes two main points: A
) Funds consisting
B) Increase and improvement of personnel and vehicles of the Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza.
These are the premises.
From this reasoning, logical step in a larger party orizzonte.Il "Black Man?" No thanks "is to (while maintaining independent and submitting only the program) to the list "People of Freedom." The promises that are economic (considered true exploits):
1.Abolizione ICI.
2.Abolizione of the car.
And not only in numerical terms, the program's main objective is to reduce the tax burden to below 40%, ie more than three points of GDP. In the absence of further details of the actions of spending restraint and their quantification, nothing can be said about this goal. Just as nothing is mentioned about the reform of the rest of the mechanisms of expenditure, without which the asset disposals would be wasted especially outside a counting sfavorevolissima economic internazionale.Per more, nothing is said about the significant structure in their pension after the Prodi government had taken its 9 billion euro, which will therefore not be available for the rehabilitation of social spending. Probably the PDL's okay despite the many noises at the time of the reform of the SCL Maroni? Or maybe it's better not to scare voters, preferring to promise heaven and earth?
So, given these circumstances, even given the economic difficulties of the program is not clear in the first place I wonder with that money, since the policies very light, you want to combat illegal immigration clandestina.In Secondly, how can worry about immigration when the first problem that arises is that the economic influence inflation, unemployment, the high cost of living, salary and potential purchase of workers?
In light of this economic and financial problems of illegal immigration in the twentieth passes plan taking into account that even with the Bossi-Fini was reduced by 25% and then triple in the next 5 mesi.Contando then that illegal immigrants are employed in Black-owned enterprises in particular underworld of Southern Italy, but also in North Italy (data from the Guardia di Finanza is clear, just think of the maxi / all'ortomercato operation of Milan), and exploited sometimes in appalling conditions of subsistence Well, I think, if you think about it, and arranging the "great fear" a significant figure, ie approximately 0.06% of crimes committed by non-EU, the fear of these people should be drastically reduced.
fact, vote because you are afraid of immigrants (and I mean young and old) with poor economic programs not indicate a desire for reform and even less of great acumen sociale.Comunque we are in a democracy, and rightly so. But the new wave of which many of us have breathed and that "can do" still echoed in our heads, the heads of that 38% who think that some sacrifice in the most is better than the promises of comfort previously proven dangerous.


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