Friday, April 25, 2008

I Have Tear From Brazillion Wax

Cesare Mori was born in Pavia 22 December 1871 and Nori in Udine July 6 1942.Fu prefect and Italian politician as Senator . has gone down in history as the Iron Prefect of .
already beginning to Trapani to conduct operations against the repression of mafia associations rooted in long terriritorio siciliano.Di great investigative capacity and operational Mori reported a series of successes in diversified operations that led to the arrest of several representatives took the malavitosi.Ciò Palermo Attorney General to state:

"Finally we Trapani a man who does not hesitate to attack the mafia wherever it thrives. Too bad, unfortunately, there are always the so-called" Members of the robbery "against him ..."

in January 1915 Florence was sent to the rank of deputy superintendent, but it was a short stay as the state called him back to Sicily to start a big operation against brigantaggio.In one night, Caltabellotta, he made 300 arrests, Stan the robbers unorthodox methods but results were still very violenti.I positivi.Al finished Mori, with a great sense of duty and without any fear in saying to the newspapers said he called "death blow to the Mafia"

"They have not yet realized that the robbers and the Mafia are two different things. We hit the first, which undoubtedly represent the most visible aspect of Sicilian criminals, but not the most dangerous. The real death blow to the mafia when we give you will be allowed to round up not only among the prickly pears, but in the ambulatory of the prefectures, the police headquarters, the great palaces and manor, why not, some ministry .. "

capito.Prima Mori had yet to street crimes, which are the most obvious, they had to hit the "white collar", the very essence of organized crime, that it occupied (and looks) places that cash sitting in that room bottoni.Un teaching that is still where the main enemies are seen as those of the road, so they represent a problem, but nothing that should be considered primary.
As evidence of his intellectual honesty and his loyalty to the Italian State was not afraid to oppose the fascist squads of 1922.
Mori had the face of punitive expeditions of the fascists, he sent platoons of the Royal Police, and this was widely disputed. At the same time compared to the fascists as they are "red", the Communists

Following these events, Mori was released from his duties and sent into retirement in 1922, residing in Florence with moglie.L 'expulsion was due to the rise of fascism, which did not lose the prefect of the attacks on the black shirts. The
allontanemento from his duties as a policeman, however, lasted only one year. In 1924 he was recalled to duty by the Minister of the Interior Federzoni
and sent as prefect of Trapani , where he remained for a year.

After the excellent work in Trapani, at the behest of Mussolini, he was appointed prefect of Palermo, with extraordinary powers throughout the island, with a mandate to eradicate mafia by any means. He took up his post in Palermo and remained there until 1929. The following is published in the Directive:

".. Your Excellency white paper, the state's authority must be absolutely, I repeat totally restored in Sicily. If the laws currently in place hinder, not constitute a problem, we will make new laws .. "


implemented a harsh repression of the underworld and the mafia, striking even bands of brigands and squires locali.Nel 1926 performed what is probably his most famous action, namely the occupation of Gangi, a village stronghold of several criminal groups. With many of the men Carabinieri and the Police raided the village from house to house, arresting gangsters, mobsters and fugitives. The methods implemented during the operation were very hard and died not hesitated to use women and children as hostages to force suspects to surrender. Because dellla hardness of the methods used was nicknamed the "Iron Prefect".
Mori continued its work throughout the 1926-27 biennium. In the courts the sentences began to be harsh. Over time, his investigations began to reveal the relationship between gangsters and men of the old state of the Risorgimento, and came in conflict with the major element of the new fascism Palermo, Alfredo Cucco, who managed to expel from the party to do, and then from public life in 1927. In 1929 Mori was retired for service on June 16 and was appointed a senator of the Kingdom at the suggestion of Mussolini, while the propaganda throughout Italy proudly declares that the Mafia had been defeated.

Here are the stages of strategy Moriana:

  • Seizing an important first successful operation in a big way to reassert the authority of the State and give a strong signal (the occupation of Gangi).
  • regain the support of the people directly involved in the fight against the Mafia.
  • Create a cultural environment hostile to the mafia, fighting the silence and taking care of the education of young people and encouraging rebellion against the Mafia
  • Fighting the Mafia in the equity capital and the network of economic interests.
  • restore normal functioning and development of productive activities in Sicily
  • sentences involving severe and unrelenting criminals defeating the climate of impunity.
Prefect Mori's policy led to a drastic reduction in crime throughout the Sicilia.Basti Palermo alone in thinking that the murders went down from 268 in 1925 to 77 in 1926, from 298 to 46 robberies and other crimes also decreased drastically.
of these points must be treasured, the mob came to prominence only because the leaders supported and facilitated the American landing in Sicily, occupying important positions as a result of administrative command. Finally
Mori, awkward man like many others, died forgotten by the institutions but his work in the service of civil society can never forget, able to break their wings and keep the mob at bay for at least ten anni.Chissà what would today 'Italy at the top if we had had so many Cesare Mori .....

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Eating With A Fistula

Why you should not right now drastically reduce the tax burden and not gradual. The Great Fear

increase the budget deficit through an expansionary fiscal space:
1.Cosa mean?
2.Cosa involved?
3.How can account for the effects?

First we must consider two basic components:

1.Il goods market and the financial market for articulated analysis of the production (Y) and the interest rate (i). The resulting model is named IS-LM.
NB = IS curve goods market
= LM curve of the market 2.The financial

'aggregate supply to describe the effects of production (Y) on the price level (p) and aggregate demand to show the effects of the price level (p) on production (Y). The model that derives named AS-AD.
NB AS = aggregate supply curve
AD = aggregate demand curve

said that you should know that: 1.A
increased production leads to an increase in the level of prezzi.Perchè?
-If production increases more employment. If employment increases
-employment decreases.
-Less unemployment means higher nominal wages.
-If nominal wages increase companies raise prices, resulting in an increase the price level.
-Aggregate demand shows us how the level of production is a decreasing function of the price level.
These were the general premises. What happens
graphically, and then simulating faithfully the reality, when a government decides to reduce taxes?

AS-AD MODEL: (unfortunately I can not post the chart, I will arrive soon)
1.How the model reacts to an increase in the budget deficit in the short term? The short term is the time where our variables AS-AD and IS-LM when changes occur.


-production-Increase in Increase in interest rate-price increase

2.How the model reacts in the medium term? The average period is the time when you have the stabilization of the economy through a return naturale.Alcuni changes to the production level, however, remain fixed, thus bringing all faults and virtues.

Middle Period:
-No change as regards the production
-Increase in interest rate-price increase

I would say that the most significant increases are at the end of the adjustment of the interest rate and prezzi.Tale politics is not like me to recommend to a country that is living and is preparing for another recession. Pull
you the money ... with his head before he voted with the c ****!

Materials And Tools To Buildzulu Huts

April 15

Fear of the foreigner is to win the League and the PDL.

someone which has the hoped for, the majority meno.E so after the election we have a winner, the Northern League.
The league allowed the PDL of Silvio Berlusconi to achieve victory in 2008 these policies in the House and the Senato.E 'was decisive in all directions so that, strictly speaking political science, we can talk about the so-called "potential intimidation / blackmail ": that the political game that some parties may never be included in the coalition government, but have a central role through the availability of the votes, representing the interests of parliamentary seats to such an extent as to affect the functioning of coalitions, by affecting the activities and policies of the coalition, or even the political system in toto (Giovanni Sartori). If people were to read had to argue about the fact that the league is in the coalition know that actually the Northern League is independent and has just signed a program.
must take this into account because, over time, could prove a thorn in the side of the PDL.
I will not go into the future governance issues that might occur, because in that case we should make a comparison between the net economic visions of the two parties (PDL-League), clearly different, and that the Union Europea.Difatti fateful "fiscal federalism" could be implemented on a country whose regions have minimal financial differences, or at least not likely to present huge differences between South and North, as it seems quite obvious that there siano.Una economic policy would lead to a reduction of GDP and then increase the deficit by close bilancio.E here because otherwise we should go on for about 4 hours lettura.Insomma this is only one many problems. (if anyone doubts me know)
That said, ignoring the political discourse, I noticed an alarming factor. Around most of my peers voted PDL / Lega.Il for charity, it is fair and legitimate, but the question "why" they'd say two things: "Silvio is nice" and besides "I'm afraid of illegal immigrants."
Now, since the world and the world, one should vote for a party economic policy / employment and social reforms and not based on issues, which although present, are really peripheral to the context.
Let me give an example: The party of "black man, no thank you" makes the fight against illegal immigration his banner of the battaglia.E ago in a colorita.Per make this epic act takes two main points: A
) Funds consisting
B) Increase and improvement of personnel and vehicles of the Police, Carabinieri and Guardia di Finanza.
These are the premises.
From this reasoning, logical step in a larger party orizzonte.Il "Black Man?" No thanks "is to (while maintaining independent and submitting only the program) to the list "People of Freedom." The promises that are economic (considered true exploits):
1.Abolizione ICI.
2.Abolizione of the car.
And not only in numerical terms, the program's main objective is to reduce the tax burden to below 40%, ie more than three points of GDP. In the absence of further details of the actions of spending restraint and their quantification, nothing can be said about this goal. Just as nothing is mentioned about the reform of the rest of the mechanisms of expenditure, without which the asset disposals would be wasted especially outside a counting sfavorevolissima economic internazionale.Per more, nothing is said about the significant structure in their pension after the Prodi government had taken its 9 billion euro, which will therefore not be available for the rehabilitation of social spending. Probably the PDL's okay despite the many noises at the time of the reform of the SCL Maroni? Or maybe it's better not to scare voters, preferring to promise heaven and earth?
So, given these circumstances, even given the economic difficulties of the program is not clear in the first place I wonder with that money, since the policies very light, you want to combat illegal immigration clandestina.In Secondly, how can worry about immigration when the first problem that arises is that the economic influence inflation, unemployment, the high cost of living, salary and potential purchase of workers?
In light of this economic and financial problems of illegal immigration in the twentieth passes plan taking into account that even with the Bossi-Fini was reduced by 25% and then triple in the next 5 mesi.Contando then that illegal immigrants are employed in Black-owned enterprises in particular underworld of Southern Italy, but also in North Italy (data from the Guardia di Finanza is clear, just think of the maxi / all'ortomercato operation of Milan), and exploited sometimes in appalling conditions of subsistence Well, I think, if you think about it, and arranging the "great fear" a significant figure, ie approximately 0.06% of crimes committed by non-EU, the fear of these people should be drastically reduced.
fact, vote because you are afraid of immigrants (and I mean young and old) with poor economic programs not indicate a desire for reform and even less of great acumen sociale.Comunque we are in a democracy, and rightly so. But the new wave of which many of us have breathed and that "can do" still echoed in our heads, the heads of that 38% who think that some sacrifice in the most is better than the promises of comfort previously proven dangerous.

Meagan Good White Men

Deism and Politics, in the history progression

April 9

Deism and Politics, in the history progression

In many ways, the Enlightenment was a movement of thought among the more famous but also the most criticized of the story.
But I think that some concepts should be taken today and re-evaluated because maybe, sometimes, the environment and the tradition deriving from a specific social context invariably leads to some distortion of the meaning of the fund. The
supported the Enlightenment Deism, which believed in a God architect of the universe who created man in His image and God somiglianza.Un already infused simple and elementary human moral conduct to be followed, for both already detectable in the ten comandamenti.Per this important thinkers, such as Moliere, argued that Christianity and containing other religions dogmas were "shameful and dangerous obscurantism." God is no transparency, no mystery, God is found in all creation.
fact, if we think about the French Revolution was not born among the people, nor is it to generalize the idea was born from the revolution was born in borghesia.In reality of Freemasonry, as I believe the main, had the motto "liberty, fraternity and equality. "Motto fully correct, just and irrinunciabile.Attraverso this principle not only social justice but had achieved the highest level of prayer to God, which manifested itself in love for our neighbor to the man, a creature somiglianza.E image and here I totally agree. The true prayer consists of helping one's neighbor, respecting the fundamental human rights through which you can feel an inner joy made strong and intense.
This discussion could go in parallel with a political confrontation, and later I will explain the short perchè.In live in a world composed of many I think (some a little more historically dated less) is still one thing is certain: most of the time religion is the basis for violent conflitti.Ognuna claim superiority over the other, conflicts are sometimes accompanied by economic interests, however, and this is a matter of fact, conflicts a religious background are always the most violent and cruel.
well.The Think 'Europe, Africa, Asia, the American people are one the same. They feel the same feelings, the same fears, but above all have one thing in common, beyond cultural differences and all religious and I stress all share the database of natural law and moral nature which, according to the Enlightenment that God has donato.Non is beautiful? Building only on the natural moral law and natural break down the limits imposed by religious beliefs often mounted man to hold interest too petty to be sopportati.Questo speech is not against religion, and not to fall into the generalized accusations I bring you a esempio.Pigliamo Union Europea.Per centuries, Europe was the scene of violent wars between major nazionali.Si been fighting for the interests, ideologies, for religion, and finally with the second world war something cambiò.In primarily the victory of democracy over dictatorship Nazi ( with exception of Russia dictatorship era) and, secondly, the gear shift of the Europeans, who have had an exhausting conflict and conscious about the construction of a new way of understanding society and politica.Collaborazione reforms and led to a progressive union, whose highest peak has been reached with the euro and the abolition of internal customs union. With what has been achieved inner peace that will bring in a not too distant future the federation total small states, the path will soon be that of the entire European continent, because history is progressive, it is always forward, never goes back, in case they encounter obstacles that slow down and eventi.Così will also delay the religion are giumgerà to deism because there is no god Muslim Christian or Buddhist religions altro.Si surpass to get to a point single union, in which all may be found because the metaphysical dimension can not and must not have dogmas, the divine is within us and around each of us in the same identical caratteristiche.Approfondirò and then some concepts can not be completely clear to a first reading in the case of any doubt among those of you who have the patience to read.

She Made Me Smell Her Feet

Not to be missed

March 6

Not to be missed

raining criticism on Walter Veltroni.Non could it be otherwise, but this time there's cousins \u200b\u200bmaximalists de la Sinistra Arcobaleno Fausto Bertinotti.
The reason for the keen debate that animates audiences election tour of the team is essentially a red: the party's list Democratico.In particular the finger is pointed at the choice of candidates on the lists that, in their view, would not be absolutely compatible with a social democratic party.
The point is the painful question of nomination of members of the business community, distinguished themselves for their own ideas do not conform to the logic socialista.Mi refer in particular to the application in the Veneto Calearo Massimo, president of the Federmeccanica, which, honestly said has never really been loved by the workers of the sector, indeed.
Veltroni and other members of the Democratic Party have stressed the fact that now, is no longer possible to reason by the dichotomy "enterprise-worker" because it absolutely obsolete and detrimental to the development of Paese.Va Calearo also stressed that he had previously rejected the application with the PDL and thereby highlighting the UDC that NEW itself is not with Veltroni and Berlusconi.
The reason lies with the PD because the decision to expand and dilute various professional and social backgrounds has been and is the basis for any European country that can be defined as advanced and influential.
Already Bernstein, theorist of democratic socialism, argued that Marxism had failed its full missione.In was particularly critical of the fact that had not fulfilled the prediction that the minimum wage were to coincide with the economy of competition and the miserable wage was the future of lavoratori.Anzi; second Bernstein capitalism was in no way the system Morituri provided by Marx, but in an incredibly growth and development that was not improved and idealized as an enemy to distruggere.Perchè so the working class would have found fossilized and frustrated by the idea of \u200b\u200ba collapse or a change (revolution) that would never be stressed that the arrivato.Per 'clever idea to change the vices of the capitalist system through the action and parliamentary party, leading a legal battle to make improvements and trade union concreti.Lo order must be handed over to humanize capitalism through improvements you can only get through the force of law and trade union pressure which, in turn, can be realized through reforms and social achievements. So when the idea of \u200b\u200blaw-abiding and tradeunistica meets the alliance of forces agreement with bourgeois reformism substantial change occurs. And in Italy for the first time there's a party that wants to get to this jump as a candidate shoulder to shoulder the worker and the entrepreneur, the prefect and the general, the degree and centralinista.Questo means "to breathe fresh air "yes that is born from the union of opposing interests, however, but inclined to accept a political consensus that could lead to radical social and political changes. A battery-powered electronic object works because the energy is flowing from opposites but concentrates for the operation of a single system. This is the key to winning, this is the pick that many European countries has opened the bedroom door of a great lady, a lady from us is still a virgin: Mrs. Civilization.

Expander Mouth Full Metal

Introduction to this blog

I'm here to start my real blog on line for those who know me and have followed my blog on msn (which will remain on) the contents of this space is unknown. Having unfortunately
topics to be developed at the time I'll do a simple copy / paste some of the interventions made in the myspace so you can always have a complete and comprehensive of all the discussions precedenti.Un greetings to all! Max