Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sample Speech By Ceo To Employees

ENOUGH with lice!

In recent years, it happens more frequently to inform many mothers on prophylaxis for the prevention or treatment of head lice that is nothing but the infestation head lice. E 'infestation always existed, that was the point of presence at certain times of the year (spring and autumn), but now has become a constant presence. There are teachers who have been faced with in a teaching that presence, there are mothers who say "so now if you pass the time!", There are children who speak of it as small boyfriends who sometimes live on their heads. But that is how to stem the presence and the continuing infection? Downplaying the importance of prevention and good care of pest control will not strengthen the presence of head lice?
For those who want to act differently and want to exit from the nightmare of the daily supervision of the head of their children (there's always round by schools and kindergartens!) Adopt and require those who have good near and decisive forms of pest control.
Lice do not look at anyone, the infection occurs by direct contact (heads approaching, using combs, brushes, leaning impottite barriers to the head, where an individual is conveyed infested), causes itching, has a strong preference for those who follow poor hygiene of the scalp (but not required!), and lays eggs which hatch after 6 days.

to be influential sull'infestazione we then use a flea treatment to children and other family members if they are found to be infested, repeating the operation after 7 days. In the time between the first and second treatment we manually remove all the nits (eggs) from the child's hair, not put in contact with peers (thereby limiting the spread!). We will take care to boil above 65 ° linens, capricapi, pillows, combs, brushes, elastic bands etc.. Only after the second application and only after verifying the absence of complete and total say nits (eggs), the child can attend their peers. But those who follow closely the profiles? How many pediatricians really checked the leader of the children before they certify the re-admission to school / kindergarten? How many honestly inform the school structure of the infestation of the child?
The content of this event passes through the observance of these standards.
The choice is yours!
(lice and nits)

For people who want to implement a bit 'of prevention (careful not to give full coverage, you need to make it less hospitable to his own head lice!) Can use of the essential oil of lavender. A few drops of pure oil (the only essential oil that can be used pure) must be ordered in the contours of the head of the child behind the ears at the temples and behind the neck. You can also use a little 'wine vinegar for a rinse at the end of the washing of the head once in a while. And remember where pests live well acid can suck the blood of toxins that is richer, so beware of feeding our children!


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