Thursday, October 28, 2010

Everytime I Wake Up Congested


WHITE ANEV tells the tale of the Brothers Grimm ............( )
"He went into a secret room where nobody could come in and prepared a poisonous apple. The outside was so beautiful red cheeks that only to see it, but whoever ate a piece was die. When the apple was ready she painted her face and dressed herself like a peasant woman, disguised as it passed the seven mountains and came to the house of the dwarfs. He knocked, Snow White looked out the window and said, "I can not let anyone in, the dwarfs have forbidden me! -. -It does not matter, "answered the woman, the same sell my apples. , I will give a .- No, "said Snow White, I can not take anything-.--Are you afraid of poison? - Said the old woman. -Let's do this: you eat the red and white one I .- But the apple was so cunningly made that only the red part was poisoned. Snow-white longed for the beautiful apple, and when he saw the peasant woman was eating he could no longer stay and reached out to lend him his half. But the first mouthful, he fell down dead. Then the queen said, "This time no one will wake up! -. "

How exciting, I love to read fairy tales to my children who always listen enraptured by the fascinating stories. Today we read Snow White and I got the idea to go with the flow of magically transported to our apple snack and we too have magically transformed the beautiful and juicy red apples in savory snacks .........
NUTRIENTS NOT poisonous!
Try mouth-watering and you too!

apple flower
Cut the apple into slices with or without the skin, helping you wanting with the appropriate tool to obtain regular pieces and arrange on a plate giving the shape of a flower. Sprinkle with honey or malt or sugar cane full, cinnamon, cocoa and ground hazelnuts.

Peel and slice into thin slices and regular apples and arrange on a plate in a radial pattern as if it were a cake. Sprinkle with icing sugar cane full decorated with orange slices and / or almonds or chopped nuts or crumbled biscuits.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sample Speech By Ceo To Employees

ENOUGH with lice!

In recent years, it happens more frequently to inform many mothers on prophylaxis for the prevention or treatment of head lice that is nothing but the infestation head lice. E 'infestation always existed, that was the point of presence at certain times of the year (spring and autumn), but now has become a constant presence. There are teachers who have been faced with in a teaching that presence, there are mothers who say "so now if you pass the time!", There are children who speak of it as small boyfriends who sometimes live on their heads. But that is how to stem the presence and the continuing infection? Downplaying the importance of prevention and good care of pest control will not strengthen the presence of head lice?
For those who want to act differently and want to exit from the nightmare of the daily supervision of the head of their children (there's always round by schools and kindergartens!) Adopt and require those who have good near and decisive forms of pest control.
Lice do not look at anyone, the infection occurs by direct contact (heads approaching, using combs, brushes, leaning impottite barriers to the head, where an individual is conveyed infested), causes itching, has a strong preference for those who follow poor hygiene of the scalp (but not required!), and lays eggs which hatch after 6 days.

to be influential sull'infestazione we then use a flea treatment to children and other family members if they are found to be infested, repeating the operation after 7 days. In the time between the first and second treatment we manually remove all the nits (eggs) from the child's hair, not put in contact with peers (thereby limiting the spread!). We will take care to boil above 65 ° linens, capricapi, pillows, combs, brushes, elastic bands etc.. Only after the second application and only after verifying the absence of complete and total say nits (eggs), the child can attend their peers. But those who follow closely the profiles? How many pediatricians really checked the leader of the children before they certify the re-admission to school / kindergarten? How many honestly inform the school structure of the infestation of the child?
The content of this event passes through the observance of these standards.
The choice is yours!
(lice and nits)

For people who want to implement a bit 'of prevention (careful not to give full coverage, you need to make it less hospitable to his own head lice!) Can use of the essential oil of lavender. A few drops of pure oil (the only essential oil that can be used pure) must be ordered in the contours of the head of the child behind the ears at the temples and behind the neck. You can also use a little 'wine vinegar for a rinse at the end of the washing of the head once in a while. And remember where pests live well acid can suck the blood of toxins that is richer, so beware of feeding our children!

Friday, October 8, 2010

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Thanks to the studies and findings on the influence of Peter Mandel energy of the colors on our cells we can all, and especially our children, enjoy this simple treatment.


Consciously or unconsciously the colors affect our whole life. The dress is not that we choose in the morning due to chance, but that's what we like, that "feel" right for us at that time. Spontaneously choose the color we need most at that time. Children are very sensitive and intuitive knowing better than us choose the colors appropriate to their times, it reminded me the other week my daughter Gaia constantly choosing the orange in his clothes: often wore orange jerseys or the band for the hair , often using the colored shades. He needs to recharge and, through its choice to implement a self-help great. The orange represents the joy and happiness, solar energy, and is indicated in cases of fatigue, pessimism, difficulty starting in the morning, coffee is considered to be of color therapy. If we notice that our children need a little 'charge we use the orange apparel, blankets for beds, painting, drawing, feeding (eg carrots, pumpkin, oranges, mandarins, etc...) It 's very funny also buy colored transparencies from which we can cut some shapes to use a small flashlight to shine on the body of the child playing or crop to be affixed to the lens of the eye and find out how old it is sure fun to see the colorful world in which Meanwhile increase the welfare of our children.


Monday, October 4, 2010

Little Blisters On Lips Chapstick

The stages of the peace movement in a course

Enrol for the course "The peace movement in Italy and Reggio Emilia." Every social movement that changes history from below, to be recognized because its function should also build their own narrative. E 'case for the labor movement and the women's movement, has not yet happened to the peace movement. So it is important to retrace the steps of a historic route that has mobilized civil and political passions, because it means blaze a trail in the sequence of events in our country using the other trail, another punctuation, other categories of interpretation of events. This path will be addressed for thematic clusters, alternating between the national and local level. By fixing a priori a starting point. It will also be faced with the knowledge that this is just an introduction than a field of historical research in Italy still to explore, what the U.S. called the peace history. which refers not only to a history of the field, precisely that peace movements, but at a new historical point of view on the history of humanity, able to highlight not only the opposition to the war, but all the solutions and disarmed in nonviolent conflict and all actions to prevent violence that humanity has been able to field. A historical point of view able to tell the processes of development of civilizations from the rhetoric coming out of the "violence midwife of history."

Course No 4 will be divided into two modules, you can subscribe to both forms or only the first or only second depending on the depth of the field you want. The price of each module is 80 €. For information: Infoshop Library Mag6 Via Sante Vincenzi 13 / a, tel. and Fax 0522/430307 - mail .

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waste and water between finance and the Gospel: A day with talks Zanotelli

On Wednesday 6 October at 21, in the church of Santa Cristina in Republic street in Parma, the meeting entitled "The economic and financial system and the gospel. " Father Alex Zanotelli treat the problem of waste water and the collusion of local economic power.

Clear White Blisters On Pelvic Area


A day with Nichi Vendola to Friday, October 8. Vendola is in fact to participate in Reggio initiative "Work and / or freedom" promoted by the International Centre Fiom Malaguzzi Reggio (20.30). The event, coordinated by Gabriele Polo, will be attended by Sergio Cofferati and the national secretary of Fiom Maurizio Landini. The discussion will focus on the future of the engineering sector and on the alternative that is created: on the one hand, the choice for companies to give priority to jobs and investments to the detriment of the rights, on the other hand choose to relocate elsewhere with the production serious harm to the local economy. But before Vendola celebrate with all the volunteers who made it the first regional festival of Sel was a success. With their appointment is fixed-drink for the 18 to the Peace Park in Campton Street Sorte.

" A convivial - announced the provincial coordinators of Sel Carla Ferretti and Franco Ruffini - the site of our first party where, thanks to the work of many comrades, it was possible to achieve what at the beginning seemed like a mate called it a "crazy" business. During the meeting there will be an informative financial performance of the party. "