Thursday, June 10, 2010

Are Chicken Pox And Impetigo The Same Virus

Sel streets to the civil service

Left ecology and freedom Reggio joins the staff of the national demonstration for Saturday, June 12 sponsored by the CGIL. The budget passed by the government is unfair and ineffective because it does not act on the causes of the crisis and makes them pay the price especially for public employees and the regions and local authorities. It 'obvious that this strategy aims to progressively reduce the role of National Economy, the enforceability of the rights of citizenship, public control of private activities. The crisis thus becomes the instrument to accentuate the liberalism of the center and accelerate the path to the autonomy of the laws of the market (going in this direction is the proposal of the revision of Art. 41 of the Constitution). We are convinced that in times of crisis we must strengthen the welfare state, to invest in schools, universities, research, programming capacity of public institutions and to protect the public employment to counter the loss of jobs, we must look for wrong resources by cutting public spending (military spending, the Strait of Messina Bridge ...) and taxing the income, assets, financial transactions and consumption of natural resources. Exactly the opposite of what the proposed budget package that therefore must be rejected with the widest possible mobilization. On 12 June we will be square in Rome with teachers, doctors, nurses, employees and senior civil servants, with all those who demand respect for their work and the rights of citizens.


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