Wednesday, June 23, 2010

In Which Finger We Should Wear Amythys

streets to the general strike in Reggio

Left Ecology and Freedom, Federation of the Left List and

5 Stars

join and participate in the general strike of the CGIL


It is therefore crucial to the mobilization of workers and employees and of the cities and citizens, that we should be aware of the impact of heavy maneuver on local services, with the convening of special town councils overtime. It 'also the need for convergence with wider social forces, and hence our full support to the general strike called by the CGIL of 25 June on a platform that attracts many of the proposals that we put forward first.

We invite all directors and administrators (municipalities, provinces and region) of the political parties and movements, to be present at the regional event to be held in Bologna, to support directly the reasons for the mobilization against the cuts to local government.

Federation of the Left

List 5 Stars

Left Ecology Freedom and

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Spatial planning: a meeting of an open meeting Thursday

Saturday June 26, 2010 10 AM

Left at the site of ecology and freedom

(via Zandonai 27 - Reggio Emilia)

meeting with

Ugo Ferrari (My Councillor for the Municipality of Reggio)

"The planning of the town

of Reggio Emilia, focusing
Area North

Sunday, June 20, 2010

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Sel Sel

Thursday June 24 at 18:30 , At the seat of Sel Zandonai via an open meeting of the Provincial Co-Left ecology and freedom to take stock of ongoing activities by the various working groups and local clubs and share the commitment in the coming months in view of the congressional deadline .

A meeting with the exchange of information and taking concrete commitments in relation to the initiatives to be developed or develop / implement.

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front of the factories to support the Fiom

Left ecology and freedom of Reggio will be in front of factories of our city Monday and Tuesday with a flyer about the very serious affair Pomigliano d'Arco, to help break, along with workers and employees who daily strive to defend rights and threatened more and more slender, the isolation in which the main trade union engineering, Fiom, is forced blackmail dall'arrogante Fiat.

Fiom not leave alone at this time means much more than a gesture of solidarity with workers engaged in defending their job ... It means supporting a battle over the employment rights of size perhaps epoch, which, if the epilogue should have feared, result in what Nichi Vendola has called a "historical caesura, a point of no return." And all this in a moment converge ominously undemocratic in a groove, which every day becomes deeper, the attack on Berlusconi to the Constitution, the law gag-publishing, an economic measure by striking an anti-social and depressive and the 'model Marchionne', significantly supported by a broad political front and the media and appeared as a 'new model' of industrial relations.

An agreement halter, one proposed by Fiat, to confirm that, emptied through a referendum in favor of democracy, are mockingly called the workers themselves who are the victims of this abuse of power referred to as: staging the farce of simildemocratica single thought, it 'gives' to vote for those who do not really have anything to choose from.

The agreement, presented in all its arrogant unilateralism by Fiat, is intended to clear the corporate social responsibility in the name of a production that will saturate a market deep in the car crisis, without causing actual growth, and is not 'negotiable', because in it and through This requires the liquidation of inalienable rights.

These rights, in fact, that no union could 'negotiate' because they do not belong to him, and neither the owners could sell direct, it hinged on a legal culture that transcends the social partners and individuals, protecting the fundamental prerogatives are threatened with zero: the right to strike enshrined in the Constitution, the payment of the first three days of sick leave is guaranteed by the ordinary law, the defense of one's life time from a time management work suffocating and totalitarian, guaranteed by a national contract committed without fail all the contractors.

not all. The approval of such an agreement would lead to the development crisis in the foundations of representation and collective bargaining and the cancellation of orders / prospects for sustainable development that integrates labor rights, quality of life and social equity.

In all this we believe is vital to create around the Fiom, and key instances that this union is consciously and tenaciously representing a network of solidarity and support from all forces and opposition movements, both political and social mobilizing not just leave the only union in a position to oppose this destructive strategy for the disposal of rights and democracy work.

Carla Ferretti and Franco Ruffini

Coordinators SEL Reggio Emilia

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

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Economists' letter

This letter economists faced the dilemmas opened by the recent economic policy choices at both European and Italian. The severity choices being made and the possible tragic consequences they call the left to its historic responsibilities. Despite his weakness and fragmentation, not an initiative of the European left to the current ruling classes could lead Europe towards a crisis of civilization.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

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Margherita and the Laboratory of self-difference

E 'was a fateful meeting, to see put into practice the gender difference, that between Margaret and Dogliani Labodif Gianna Mazzini and Giovanna Galletti, but also for Carrara and confectionery factory Dogliani and some of us also 6DonnaPunto. We have invited and came in five to Reggio Emilia on May 29, to tell the their experience, and has been fatal at least for me that I really wanted to meet them, after I had been presented as "women who want to change the world" by Alberto Leiss, a speaker at their meeting.

I understood better than listening to their difference in Reggio, and I realized that between us Reggio Emilia, always on the left, and among them Tuscany, always on the left, there was a wide diversity of thought and practice the facts.

They all spoke of a current cultural work, open to the city, organized by women for women and men, in the courtyards of their factory, and we saw the most of this in the Festival of Unity or squares, organized by the party or government in which the confused, and even so, men and women.

We, of politics in the party, when we talked about women, at most, to highlight the difference in thinking between men and women, talked about the ability of women to be "practical" in our doing, compared with men, much Theoretically, because as women we had the time and there were counted to take home our popular services that run the world (though there are just for all / e and now there are masterfully pulling them out of the hands), however, important to aid reduce our labors. The services, concrete and visible were our obsession, our security to find time for us as women.

one time, we have never left the Reggio Emilia decided that we could use sexed from a cultural perspective, as they have done instead in Carrara. Would you think that each had the ability to fill and that there would never be allowed to invade the personal sphere with gendered cultural needs. Others, but let's call a neutral market, and instead we realized, we are concerned about non-existent and needs to invade us with ambiguous proposals, to the faces swollen from surgery and biceps gonfissimi of some men. Foreign inputs have chosen the consumption of our time free, and we might have imagined that, after services, there was nothing for women to be desired. At best, worthy dinners with entrepreneurs to support the woman's house, but not to propose an authority and autonomy of women, out of the party or administrative protection. Always ... always free women from victims, even if in power, unable to free themselves and free ourselves ...

Reasoning and just looking for more from our condition, he was always very complex. It seemed unproductive, intellectual, a waste of time. And this mental model was virtually impossible to get out and party, or you could go ... (Done).

They, the Carrara, we talked about by the thought and ideas, symbols, and the relationship between them and others of different political practices. They have not spoken to Reggio, services, or increases in salary and were totally out of the most classic confrontation capital work .. But they had formed together, entrepreneur and women, an 'association called "The Angel and the Stars," where together also means "the owner and his employees," to borrow a significant symbolic of a limit in the almost insuperable cheese, but not all. They identified the courtyard of his factory - the one where you park to go in to work and just, suspending his relationship with his life for imprinting business and trade union - like the place, the square in which to express their culture for the city and not only the manufacture and trade. By canceling the famous class difference, so dear to all the 900 and we have not yet figured out how to get out and if or with what and whether to replace or mediarla, seen the results that we have reached with the current crisis. And they gave this name to make a highly symbolic "Women Body and Soul" and also that workers have the cultural activities serving the association and have grown the network to other entrepreneurs and other workers. As they leave, talk together in one of the companies involved, a mother of twins, to stay home from work until the children had not completed the year. Naturally, without drama and halos. In comparison, a salary increase I think they sounded strange conceptually, compared to what the mother and her children have won, thanks to new practices that could be distinguished. And who knows what else will invent in times of need ...

All this because together, Margaret and the others that had already opened the factory culture, for two years doing a course on gender differences with Labodif Gianna Mazzini, director and Giovanna Galletti, an economist. A course, which was created the documentary "The factory that he thought "to account for their different outlook on the world. There, they speak from the view of women, where the old rules are neutral, not sexed, find the time they find. Mazzini and Galletti also look to the positive economic models Norwegian, where the governance practices of women in politics, have gone from "neutral" men of thought, there was no time and need to understand quickly how to educate women, given their sudden, massive entry into party politics.

Here, I think these women to Carrara, the problem of services and salary increases are encoded as now, so dear to the 900 and the first decade of 2000, will put in a different way than in the rest of Reggio Emilia, Italy, and that they are more difficult to remove them by hand, because they are made on the other, other practices and other reports.

They have chosen to treat the first female authority, for themselves and then to the other and the other, knowing that no one could pull out of hand it to him as it happens with the services today and wanted to build on that their small, big world. From himself. Yeast of their own ideas such as yeast centenary - the mother - who is reborn every day to make cookies Dogliani, in the beautiful scene of the movie.

bodes well, this Carrara experience in women's ability to see things from another point of view and less destructive. Theirs is a different team, wedged in the middle of the broader conflict between wealth and poverty of our time.

We will keep an eye on? Are there others? And please do not confondiamole with Olivetti, here is the difference of female to make it to the "lady" ...

(Clelia Mori)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Dinner for "No security package"

Saturday, June 12 at 20.30 in Via Don Minzoni in Reggio, the committee "No security package" is organizing a dinner. Everyone will pay what they want or can. E 'self-financing initiative for further battles against racism and laws liberticide, the first of these includes the scam at least 300 foreign caregivers that were induced to pay large sums for permission to stay to find anything in the hand.

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Sel streets to the civil service

Left ecology and freedom Reggio joins the staff of the national demonstration for Saturday, June 12 sponsored by the CGIL. The budget passed by the government is unfair and ineffective because it does not act on the causes of the crisis and makes them pay the price especially for public employees and the regions and local authorities. It 'obvious that this strategy aims to progressively reduce the role of National Economy, the enforceability of the rights of citizenship, public control of private activities. The crisis thus becomes the instrument to accentuate the liberalism of the center and accelerate the path to the autonomy of the laws of the market (going in this direction is the proposal of the revision of Art. 41 of the Constitution). We are convinced that in times of crisis we must strengthen the welfare state, to invest in schools, universities, research, programming capacity of public institutions and to protect the public employment to counter the loss of jobs, we must look for wrong resources by cutting public spending (military spending, the Strait of Messina Bridge ...) and taxing the income, assets, financial transactions and consumption of natural resources. Exactly the opposite of what the proposed budget package that therefore must be rejected with the widest possible mobilization. On 12 June we will be square in Rome with teachers, doctors, nurses, employees and senior civil servants, with all those who demand respect for their work and the rights of citizens.

Monday, June 7, 2010

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press release on financial maneuver

The budget of the Berlusconi government
is wrong because it exacerbates the economic crisis threatening to start a downward spiral;
is unfair because it hits low and average incomes, leaving intact the privileges of caste, the great estates, annuities speculation, the outrageous fees for public sector managers and private
is antisocial because it affects local authorities by getting them to heavy cuts in social services;
is against women because it affects groups of workers (school, health, etc..) where the higher the proportion of women and cut services (kindergartens, old people, etc..) that are downloaded on the work of free care for women.

On June 4, at the headquarters of "Left Ecology Freedom of Zandonai Via Reggio Emilia 27, we met to discuss the devastating consequences that the maneuver will have on local autonomy and quality of life of citizens, particularly those most vulnerable and helpless. We believe that there should be a strong and decisive response to this government that, after over two years showed an absolute disregard for the economic crisis, now likely to increase with measures to break social cohesion. For this we are committed to promoting initiatives, including joint awareness and information to the public and we ask our leaders in city councils and provincial councils to convene extraordinary sessions on the theme of the maneuver and predictable effects on our territory.

June 7, 2010 - Reggio Emilia

Federation of the Left
Italy of Values \u200b\u200b
Democratic Party
Reggio 5 Stars
Left Ecology Freedom