Monday, April 12, 2010

I Like Touching My Mums Boobs

crisis and the League

Journal of Reggio - 11/04/2010
A plate of pasta in the Reggio schools is not denied to any child. "Do it - says the city councilor to the welfare Matteo Sassi - would be a social barbarism, even before the political, for our country."
Sassi, takes issue with the vice mayor of Guastalla and other mayors from the League in Lombardy and Veneto, which instead chose the way to cut meals to children in default of payment of fees, and then ask 'what does the future have the League in mind for our country if he has no closeness and protection for children the weakest? ". But not only this issue i1. The crisis can also be felt in the choices that families are forced to do and if you come to pay the table, means that either you are faced with many parents 'unnatural', or that just do not make it any more. Even at Reggio, if the City chose to "put on bread and water" who does not pay, would be many children who could not eat with their colleagues and should give up long time.
"Schools - adds Sassi - should be a point of defense and social cohesion. If you miss, it goes to the destruction of a society. " This is his analysis, and tells us more and more teachers in public schools or the state have spoken of shivering children arriving at school, because home heating is switched off or disconnected and without having had breakfast. The problem is with Italian and foreign. As in the case of single mothers who must drive their children in more schools and then go to work somewhere else again. The clock is ticking, money is scarce and then skip breakfast. Five months in arrears for food stamps in state schools (which is the only cost that must support their parents) is the same as those recorded in the whole of 2006. Not least is the sharp rise in arrears on payment of fees in local nurseries and kindergartens. "The town - says the commissioner - on the basis of the recalculation of the fees for kindergartens and nurseries, based on anti-crisis measures adopted, some fall into its own in 2009 and € 153 thousand in 2010 will be worse. The cost of meals, even in state schools is borne by the administration, as well as with schools IMF has instead signed an agreement. In any case, meals are at risk. " Only a few weeks ago the school fields Soncini IMF Venus Street, the City had to give an extra fee of € 30 thousand to meet the growing arrears.
But the problem is general: "The nests and keep schools and the municipality is the sponsor of this educational social network. Who does not show its anti-social nature rather than fighting poverty and shame the new poor. " That are on the rise, we also confirm the territorial poles, and families affected by the crisis. In mobility, laid off, families made up of ordinary people type, with two children. Italian as foreign.
"The Northern League, with the message does not eat who does not pay, is unfair discrimination and cross-cutting - the assessor concludes Sassi, looking to the present - and the economic stimulus package fielded by the City runs into several millions of euro and the last 800 thousand came from the region, we have allocated only a month ago. " But he is also aware that perhaps not enough.


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