Monday, April 26, 2010

Blood Tongue Sore Throat

Here is the registry for living wills

Left Ecology Freedom learned with joy the news of a unanimously approved by the Board of resolution on the establishment in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in the register of wills of citizens and biological welcomes the positive outcome of a deliberative process that, given the sensitivity of the subject, it has proved difficult and, in certain moments, it seemed not even granted.

After the development of enforcement procedures for the implementation of the resolution, the residents in the town of Reggio will, voluntarily and by choice, to exercise their right to self at the end of life medical treatment, depositing their living wills at a specific service enabled by the registry office.

In this way the municipality or the institution closest to citizens, enable, reliable and inexpensive manner, the effective exercise of a right already exists, providing a basic utility service and that the citizens that, if they wish to express their early willingness to care, they will be properly stored and delivered to those who must take this into account when this is necessary.

Sel argued from the start and consistently courageous battle AltaVoce Committee to gather public support and submit to the City Council a motion to popular initiative signed by hundreds of people along the way of implementation with consistency and determination.

On other occasions we have had occasion to emphasize the exemplary nature of the participatory process that led to the registry in our city.

Starting from a need felt by the community (without attracting much debate in progress, just think of the fact that already a hundred municipalities has addressed the issue of "bioassay" through the instruments of popular half of them have already established or resolved to establish a registry of living wills), and by promoting participation and the collecting of the territory, has built a virtuous bottom-up that involved and committed to the level institutional solutions in the search for appropriate administrative and devices.

now expect to be notified when and how citizens can begin to exercise their fundamental right.

Left Ecology Freedom

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Is It Safe To Use Orajel On Your Penis

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kates Playground Milk In The Kitchen

Friday a garrison Emergency

Corso Garibaldi in front of the Prefecture to support Emergency. The event is scheduled for Friday at 18.30 at the side of the volunteers of Emergency of our city. Ecology and the Left parties and freedom of the center thus express solidarity organization founded by Gino Strada and urge strong action in the Italian and European Union representative in Kabul, so that they face rapidly clarity on the status of three volunteers Dell'Aira Matthew, Mark Garay and Matteo Pagani. It 's absurd to assume that an organization such as Emergency medical staff with his Italian engaged in humanitarian relief efforts, can be an active part in a conspiracy against the Afghan government: its mission has always been peaceful, close to the civilian population and the suffering and needs to be rescued. To be arrested immediately to ensure their rights, is made clear on the charges, for which you have news, and very contradictory sonlo from the press. It is taken immediately the necessary steps for their release. We are surprised by the words of the Italian government, also reported by the media: instead of making efforts now to ensure that the rights of Italians abroad are met, it seemed rather to hear words prior to indictment. Recall also that Italy is responsible for Justice Programme in Afghanistan.

Alyssa Milano New Boobs?

Also we are with the Emergency

The arrest of three humanitarian workers of Emergency would not be possible if Italy had a government worthy of the name, and if he had a Frattini as foreign minister and defense minister as Russia who speak of "shame" and "Red Brigades" instead of expressing a strong protest and indignation at the authors (Isaf forces and Afghan intelligence -Born) incredible abuse and take action to demand the immediate release of three of their countrymen.

The idea that two doctors and a volunteer peace can be pro-Taliban terrorists speak for themselves, if not conceal the clear attempt to silence an uncomfortable voice, that of Emergency, which has witnessed the failures of Western coalition in Afghanistan and the many civilian casualties caused by "accident" and therefore not only rejects the logic of war, but the tissue remains in Afghanistan to provide relief and medical care to the wounded of all the warring factions. Each injured in fact, as taught by the Geneva Convention are entitled to, even if it is a Taliban.

Abandonment by the staff of the Emergency hospital in Lashkar Gah, unfortunately, marks a point in favor of the warlords, even those that lurk in the Western diplomats, especially those who do not want political solutions the terrible conflict for decades bloodshed in Afghanistan. Starting today, the Afghan population is even more alone, more at the mercy of the violence by all parties involved.

Left ecology and freedom of Reggio demands the immediate release of three Italian volunteers and invites the citizens, institutions and the democratic forces of Reggio to mobilize to demand that the Italian soldiers stationed in Afghanistan are no longer in any way involved in acts of war. It 'is time for democratic forces throughout the country require the application of Article. 11 of the Constitution, which states that "Italy repudiates war" and you should ask about the legitimacy of the permanence of the Italian contingent in Afghanistan and its further involvement in a war in which it is increasingly difficult to distinguish the good from the bad.

Left ecology and freedom Reggio Emilia

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Like Touching My Mums Boobs

crisis and the League

Journal of Reggio - 11/04/2010
A plate of pasta in the Reggio schools is not denied to any child. "Do it - says the city councilor to the welfare Matteo Sassi - would be a social barbarism, even before the political, for our country."
Sassi, takes issue with the vice mayor of Guastalla and other mayors from the League in Lombardy and Veneto, which instead chose the way to cut meals to children in default of payment of fees, and then ask 'what does the future have the League in mind for our country if he has no closeness and protection for children the weakest? ". But not only this issue i1. The crisis can also be felt in the choices that families are forced to do and if you come to pay the table, means that either you are faced with many parents 'unnatural', or that just do not make it any more. Even at Reggio, if the City chose to "put on bread and water" who does not pay, would be many children who could not eat with their colleagues and should give up long time.
"Schools - adds Sassi - should be a point of defense and social cohesion. If you miss, it goes to the destruction of a society. " This is his analysis, and tells us more and more teachers in public schools or the state have spoken of shivering children arriving at school, because home heating is switched off or disconnected and without having had breakfast. The problem is with Italian and foreign. As in the case of single mothers who must drive their children in more schools and then go to work somewhere else again. The clock is ticking, money is scarce and then skip breakfast. Five months in arrears for food stamps in state schools (which is the only cost that must support their parents) is the same as those recorded in the whole of 2006. Not least is the sharp rise in arrears on payment of fees in local nurseries and kindergartens. "The town - says the commissioner - on the basis of the recalculation of the fees for kindergartens and nurseries, based on anti-crisis measures adopted, some fall into its own in 2009 and € 153 thousand in 2010 will be worse. The cost of meals, even in state schools is borne by the administration, as well as with schools IMF has instead signed an agreement. In any case, meals are at risk. " Only a few weeks ago the school fields Soncini IMF Venus Street, the City had to give an extra fee of € 30 thousand to meet the growing arrears.
But the problem is general: "The nests and keep schools and the municipality is the sponsor of this educational social network. Who does not show its anti-social nature rather than fighting poverty and shame the new poor. " That are on the rise, we also confirm the territorial poles, and families affected by the crisis. In mobility, laid off, families made up of ordinary people type, with two children. Italian as foreign.
"The Northern League, with the message does not eat who does not pay, is unfair discrimination and cross-cutting - the assessor concludes Sassi, looking to the present - and the economic stimulus package fielded by the City runs into several millions of euro and the last 800 thousand came from the region, we have allocated only a month ago. " But he is also aware that perhaps not enough.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Tax Credits Depression

The Northern League against children

campaigns of hatred of the Northern League also hurt us.
wave of electoral success more apparent than real (the Northern League has lost 150 000 votes in a year), the sacrificial victims of hate campaigns round of Lega seemed to be women. Being in the tragic situation of having an abortion, the idea to do so with less risk and pain, using pharmaceutical abortion, was sacrificed to the possible alliances with the Catholic hierarchy. Then came the counter-early: on the road you could earn the praise of the Church, but is in danger of losing specific areas of women's vote, including in areas of greater rooting.
But without an enemy because you can not live, that's Lega troops on the territory they find another one. They are children who eat regular kindergarten without paying the canteen. So the fact that: let's put to one side to fast while their friends eat, in order to stimulate their families of origin to pay his debt.
These samples civilization spend their time in Rome to approve cuts to cuts in resources of the municipalities and blather of federalism. And then think to turn the blame on poverty, a wrong committed by the parents that you download on the heads of children.
The crisis triggered by financial greed, now invigorated by the public money that we have to pay, spreading poverty and social insecurity. The league plans to take the opportunity to cut the poor's access to welfare, beginning with by children. That, contrary to what we think, are by no means all children of immigrants. Just ask the municipal social services: in most families in trouble with childcare fees are Italian.
If ever such savagery to catch on, perhaps we will have saved € 5 per day for meals not taken. But in the eyes of those children treated as pariahs we would find an application pack. And the answer could be a few years when gangs of outsiders could give the armored assault on the welfare of stupid selfish.
The process of educating children is a beautiful but fragile and complex process. The eruption of hatred between the desks League poisons the source of the young growth. Not just those affected by such measures, but also of other children, maybe that would grow our trained to violence and social exclusion.
must stop child abuse policy of the League.

Bonforte Michael