Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Evangelion English Doubkled

It 's time: Reggio establishing the registry for living wills

AltaVoce The Committee, through a note sent last week to the press, in addition to expressing satisfaction with the declared commitment of the directors of the majority groups in the city council, Vecchi, Nasuti and Riva, to promote the early establishment of the registry of living wills in the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, has strongly advocated by the statements they made to walk and is reached, no more delays and procrastination, the approval of the resolution reached the Establishment of the register.

Left ecology and freedom has always strongly supported the determination and the reasons and the battle of the Board (which it submitted to city council a petition signed by 400 citizens, as evidenced by the three directors , was measured with competence and sense of responsibility on such a delicate and complex) to the assertion of this fundamental right to self-determination and also to provide the Municipality of Reggio Emilia in an institute appropriate exercise of that right.

junta, having left behind the recent election story (which could be for some reason of "prudence" in addressing a critical issue in their relationship with the electorate), also sitting in the post-election while dealing with different points on the agenda has not provided written approval of the resolution for the establishment of the register.

At this point we believe it is our duty to ask why there has been this delay in the launching of a deliberate act that is backed two motions approved (on 26 October 2009) and a long Comparison and tuning of a text on which to act, it was said, has led to a substantial agreement on the merits.

then ask the Mayor of Reggio Emilia to make explicit the reasons for these referrals because we believe a response is due under an act of "sacred" which was the focus of a democratic model.

There are key issues for the freedom and rights of citizens who can not and must not succumb to mere logic of political and electoral change.

It puts an end therefore no longer be tolerated in this game postponements and extensions and is undertaken immediately, as requested by petitioners AltaVoce with citizens and all those who in recent months have supported the struggle for the establishment of the Register of Wills biological Reggio Emilia, the crucial process of implementation.

Ferretti and Franco Ruffini Carla

Coordinators Left ecology and freedom Reggio


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