Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Brazilian White Bumps

impromptu photo of the Mountain festival

" flowers and gardens, cultivated and wild in the streets of Garessio " is the theme of the First Sight photograph of the Research Center Garexium organized within the Mountain festival on September 13.
goal of the initiative is to gather with watchful eyes and curious corners, where the green in its most varied architecture in the country is divided. A flower on a windowsill, a vegetable garden along the street, a hidden garden in a hall are just some of the more usual forms, but the aim is to leave dell'estemporanea compositional freedom to perceive the landscape photographer in any form garessino when entering plant in contact with the built environment.

Meeting in the Piazza Carrara 10 hours during the farmers' market "du Burguete"

Article 1 The tank Photo is open to all.
Art.2 The competition is held in the Festival of Mountain and has the theme "Gardens and Gardens through the streets of Garessio"
Art.3 The competition is divided into one section: DIGITAL PHOTO
Art.4 Each amateur / professional may submit up to a max of 3 shots (FILE). Are not allowed
photos taken with mobile phones. The photos, unpublished, will be made on the day of the event, September 13, 2009.
Art.5 Works must be delivered on computer (memory card, cd, pen drive) at the Town Hall Square
where you can use workstations (PC) for downloading images from digital camera.
The images must be submitted together with the application form duly completed and signed.
will be able to deliver images from 16.00 hours until 17.30 hours.
Art.6 The participation fee is € 10.00 per participant. The fee is reduced to € 8 for the members Garexium Research Center.
Art.7 Each author is personally responsible for the content of submitted photographs.
Art.8 According to D. 30/06/2003 Decree Law No.196 on privacy, participation in the selection requires approval by the authors
the processing of personal data by the organizers for all matters regarding the competition.
Art.9 The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reproduce the works in competition in the press and / or for their own institutional purposes, indicating its title and author names. (Centro Studi Garexium and 'non-profit voluntary association of
profit) The non-exclusive rights of the works are in fact acquired by the Centre for Studies Garexium.


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