Sunday, September 12, 2010

Cake Cutting Modern Songs

Happy Town

\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Happy Town, do not be fooled by the name.>>

Never judge things without knowing them, because the various promo broadcast by FOX, and the number of episodes (only 8), I thought that most of town you should call Flop Happy Town. I had to change his mind, since the first scenes of the pilot episode of witch you with its aura of mystery and supernatural, that hovers over this tiny town, where several people live their quiet life, until one murder, five years after the last appearance a "Magic Man," which was "magically" disappear one person per year, not destabilize the situation, called the series "vis maior" and announced a juice brain by the audience to discover the links between various facts and figures. This series has a strong connection with "Twin Peaks", the cult series of David Lynch and Mark Frost, who 20 years ago picked up 22 million viewers and three Golden Globe, not only because of the same network from which it was transmitted, the ABC, but due to the non-completion of the story because of poor ratings. You just have to enjoy these 8 episodes hoping for a rethinking on the part of ABC.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Kate's Playground Birthday

Mafia II

" ;[...] The Mafia is not invincible, is a human and like all human facts have a beginning and will have an end. "
( Giovanni Falcone )

And on quotation Falcone add that it was better to end it there ... The 2K Czech has failed to seize the best witness, left him by Illusion Softworks, and develop a game worthy of its predecessor. However, it is believed to be a total flop, where his strength lies in the plot, intriguing and very well articulated, we start a little digression on the expedition to Sicily during the Second World War, where the protagonist Italian American Vito Scaletta, chose their weapons, to prison for theft committed by a small boy with his inseparable childhood friend, Joe Barbaro, including an excellent dubbing, which had since been in contact with one of the Mafia families that controlled Empire Bay, and once Vito returned to his homeland, he does get in the loop.
The surprises are not lacking from the betrayal, through the past of his father, the late Vito and was at war, ending with the murder of Tommy Angelo, who is the only thing that ties the two games, separated by 8 years from their respective outputs.
The weaknesses are certainly the police, too easy to sow, imperfect graphics console, and a linearity of the game where only the missions can be completed in about 15 hours of gameplay, and nothing else to do

Monday, September 6, 2010

Kate Playground Zip Sets 2010

The Feast of regional Sel? A successful

Landini interviewed by the collective "Locomotives
huge success for the regional Sel Festival that ended Sunday evening. The first regional festival was an important opportunity to discuss issues that Left Ecology Freedom will face at the end of October to the first National Congress. At the Peace Park Campegine came in thousands, members, and simpantizzanti many that have received interesting proposals and the meetings of the party. Among them many young people. The appointment has been able to collect debates, but also artistic and cultural initiatives.
many topics on the table: the privatization of water and public goods, issues related to work (examining in particular the case of Mariella Burani Fashion Group) and the economic crisis, the alternative to the current government, freedom of information in our country. A day dedicated to women and gender issues dealt with how 'minor' art and culture of the proposal, the issue of possible bodies: a thoughtful overview on the relationship between body and power, and body manipulation, body and disease, and body changes.
The Caravan of Knowledge Itinerant - "Left on the road has reached the feast of Sel, after a regional tour to raise awareness on issues of education and knowledge.
With more than 1,500 seats every success for the dishes of the feast, a menu of Tuscan-Emilian 'ground' menu and 'sea' of fish caught in the Adriatic Coast. A total of 300 volunteers who ensured the smooth running of the party. To them the thanks of Left Ecology Freedom. And now we can only improve!